Saturday, November 11, 2006

Looking at 2008-Republicans

I have put together a list of potential and announced contenders for the White House in 2008, and the level of their conservatism or liberalism. Now keep in mind that I have rated them according to my research on them. A potential candidate's ranking may not be 100% accurate, as people sometimes error in their ways in a way that would make them seem liberal or conservative when they really are not. A one is most liberal while a five is most conservative.
An * marks a candidate who has declared he is in the running. In parentheses, I mention an issue or two that I have questions on them about. Today's list is on the Republicans.

Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas - 3 - (Illegal Immigration)
John Cox of Illinois* - 4 - None I know of at this time
Outgoing Sen. Bill Frist of Tenn. - 3 - (Illegal Immigration, Abortion)
Rep. Duncan Hunter of Calif.* - 4- (None I know of at this
Former Rep. Newt Gingrich of Ga. - 4
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of NYC - 1 - (Pro-Abortion, Pro-
Homosexuality, former
Outgoing Gov. Mike Huckabee of Ark. - 3 - (Tax hikes in Arkansas,
Illegal Immigration)
Sen. John McCain of Arizona - 1 - (Soft on Abortion, Favors Gun
Control, Illegal Immigration)
Outgoing Gov. George Pataki of NY - 1 -(Moral Issues)
Outgoing Gov. Mitt Romney of Mass. - 2 - (Supports Universal Health Care,
appearently Pro-Abortion early
in term as Governor)
Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado - 4 - (None that I know of at this time)
Former Gov. Tommy Thompson of Wis. - (Don't know much about him)

Personally, I am supporting Mr. Tom Tancredo in 2008. I have been working for about a year to get grassroots interest in him. A source tells me that he is running, but I am still not completely sure, since he has said that he will run for Senator Allard's seat in Colorado in 2008 if Mr. Allard retires. He is one of my favorite men in Washington today, and they are hard to find.
You will probably see quite a bit of news and postings on Tancredo on this blog. For more information on Tancredo, visit, which is an excellent source on Tancredo news and links. If you live in Tennessee and you want to help Mr. Tancredo get to the White House, visit and help us get him elected to the Presidency. If you live in another state, I encourage you to start a Tancredo for President committee in your state. If we all work together, we can ensure a Tancredo victory in 2008!

Watch in the near future for a listing on the Democrats and the Constitution Party. I could do one on Libertarians and the Greens, but I am not as familiar with the potential candidates for those parties.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

While Rep. Hunter may sound good to some Republicans, he's got a HUGE spending problem, and he's just one of the many career politicians in DC who have lost touch with conservative principles when it comes to spending.

The Club for Growth says "he's been part of the big government spending spree of the last six years," and gave Hunter a 49% rating on its 2005 scorecard, that’s 187th out of 230 Republicans in the House GOP Conference.

While he had higher ratings from the National Taxpayers Union earlier in his career, the group now routinely gives Hunter "C" ratings.

In October, Hunter, in a behind-closed-doors meeting, killed an amendment sponsored by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) that would have required a Department of Defense spending bill report card revealing to the public all pork barrel spending in Congressional bills, along with the names of their sponsors.

So I would say he's got some problems.