Thursday, January 30, 2014

Restaurant helps stranded motorists in Southern winter storm

In a day in age where negative news seems the norm, here is some good news to start your day!  While many of us know of the chaos that hit the Deep South states Tuesday from a winter storm that was worse than usual, there were some that jumped to the aid of stranded motorists and helped make their day a bit easier.

A Chick-Fil-A restaurant in Birmingham, Ala. decided to close early and send the team members (Chick-Fil-A speak for staff) home.  However no one was able to get very far, so the restaurant helped by giving away several hundred sandwiches to those stranded, some there for over 7 hours with no food or water.
CFA did not charge a penny for them.

To read the whole account, go to the link here.

Proud of Chick-Fil-A for stepping in and making a rough situation a lot easier for many!  This is the kind of attitude by the Chick-Fil-A family that causes so many people to go out of their way to find a CFA restaurant for their meals.  This is the kind of attitude we need to see more of in the world around us today!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Hello folks!  I understand that it has been a while since I have even wrote a post, much less regularly spent time sharing articles and my views through this blog.  That is about to change.  We are at a time in our nation and in our culture where those who have knowledge of the threats to our freedom and our values must keep people informed, and be involved themselves.  With knowledge comes responsibility to act!

I started this blog over 7 years ago for that reason, but have rarely posted and shared news in about the last 3 years since I have graduated Tennessee Tech University.  We are entering a huge year with big implications on the line for our nation, values, economy, and our future in general.

With that being said, this blog will again be a place where you can find information regarding current events, breaking news and analysis of the issues of the day.  I will be updating the links and features on the home page as well.

Thank you for your interest and I hope you will be back regularly!