Monday, January 22, 2007

The "Conservative Statesman" Endorses Tancredo In 2008!

This picture is from the "Tancredo For President" blog

I'm sure this isn't necessary, for if you have been reading this blog, you know who we support in 2008. Nevertheless, the "Conservative Statesman" is formally announcing the endorsement of Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) for U.S. President in 2008! Stay tuned to this blog as we continue to follow Mr. Tancredo on the road to the White House. Please give the Congressman your support by going to and signing his petition so he can formally declare his run. Also, if you can, please donate to his campaign as he will need every bit of monetary support he can get to compete with the "big money guns" in the GOP primary.

Please take the time at look at what Fox News's Neil Cavuto said about Mr. Tancredo several months ago. It can be found here at WorldNetDaily.

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