Monday, January 8, 2007

Tancredo Campaign Near?

The blog "Tom Tancredo For President" is hinting at something big happening in the next several weeks in the movement to elect the Congressman to the U.S. Presidency in 2008.

In the post written on December 28, the writer says, "Tancredo Campaign To Come Soon." At the end of the post, he says more is to come in January.

On Monday, that same writer said the campaign is preparing to "move into the next phase". That same post says that this will happen "within these next few weeks". The writer, "Paleoconservative", calls for the readers to "donate your time and treasure to the true American cause".

This has excited me over these last few weeks. I take it as news that a strong serious effort to elect the Colorado Congressman is about to get under way. I have been working to spread the word about Mr. Tancredo for well over a year now, and a strong, unified effort on the part of the citizens of this great land is needed to push Mr. Tancredo past RINOs like McCain, Giuliani and Romney. (By the way, RINO stands for Republican In Name Only, if any readers did not know that.) I am hoping that this "next phase" could well be Mr. Tancredo's announcement that he will run. The word I have been hearing seems to point to a Tancredo Presidential bid.

I urge readers to get involved in our campaign to elect Tancredo in 2008. If you do not have a state campaign in your state, please start one. The only way we will elect Tom to the Presidency is by the grassroots way! We need to get on the ball on this quickly to be able to help Mr. Tancredo to the White House.

The before-mentioned blog is on my "Links" list. You can click on the link on this post above to get there, or just go to my "Links" below the "About Me" section on this page. Please visit the "Tom Tancredo For President" blog for a wealth of news and information about our President in 2008, Congressman Tom Tancredo.

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