Sunday, February 11, 2007


Photo courtesy of the Associated Press
That photo is from Oswego, New York, where they are dealing with SEVEN FEET OF SNOW! The New York/New England area is, also, a place where surprisingly warm temperatures were felt early in January. May I also say that those temperatures rivaled those felt in the early 1900s. Hmm, I wonder if there were any gas-guzzling SUVs then to cook us all with "greenhouse emissions". Al Gore, now I'm really starting to shake in my pants. Hey UN, how can I help avert the horrible disaster to come. Which disaster is that you say? Why, the horrible disaster of GLOBAL COOLING that is swiftly bearing down.
Why don't those in influence stop wasting time pandering to the voters and people's fears by concerning themselves with eliminating "greenhouse gases", and begin actually doing something. What should be done is this, PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES! Can't people understand that the world naturally goes through climate cycles. God created the Earth and all in it, and He will prepare for His people. He has put these cycles in place for a reason, to KEEP NATURE IN BALANCE! A certain degree of cold is good for a time, and a certain degree of warm weather is good. Our job is to be prepared for weather emergencies. (By the way, that is our job as a people, it is not FEMA's job. How about personal accountability?) As for warming temps, I wouldn't count on scientists to get the job done. I understand they sent a group of planes to use chemicals to close the ozone hole in the past. They failed, but in the process almost BURNED US UP! That hole is to release extra heat, not to let it in. Close it and you trap the sun's heat on the Earth. Guess we need to count on the "experts", huh?
Let's do our job by being personally accountable and preparing ourselves and families for weather disasters. Just let nature take it's course. We have handled the weather fine in the 7,000+ years we have been on the Earth

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