Monday, February 5, 2007

Rick Santorum: Down But Not Out!

Numerous websites are mentioning that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum's political career is likely not over. Among the possibilities: a run for Pennsylvania Governor or Arlen Specter's U.S. Senate seat in 2010, a possible seat on Bush's cabinet, or ambassador to Ireland, Italy or the Vatican. Even larger office possibilities are Vice Presidential running mate in 2008 or even a run for the Presidency in 2012 if the Republican nominee loses.

I am on the bandwagon for Santorum for President in 2012 or '16.

What Comes Next? Philadelphia Inquirer
Thoughts On A Santorum Run For President SantorumBlog
And Another Thing... National Review Online
The Future SantorumBlog
No Run In '08 Philadelphia Inquirer

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