Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Tancredo Presidency Would Work To Bring The End To Roe v. Wade

Need more proof that Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo's candidacy for President is more than just immigration? Right here it is. Tancredo is now on the record for saying that he would work do abolish Roe v. Wade if elected President. He decryed the 1973 Supreme Court decision making abortion "legal" as a " lousy law". He went on to say, "I think we have a chance of overturning it." He says he has been a strong supporter in the sanctity of life and has been so in his 30 years of public service. To back that up, the National Right to Life has given him an A rating.

On marriage, he only accepts marriage between a man and a woman. If President, he says he would appoint strict constructionists to the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a self-proclaimed devout Christian father and grandfather.

The Journal Chretien has more in an article. Click this link to go there.

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