A quick word regarding the North American Union and the mainstream press and bloggers who are debunking the NAU as a "conspiracy theory". Why are these guys and girls even giving time to the story. If it is a "conspiracy theory", it shouldn't even have time on the airwaves of outlets such as Fox News and the talk-radio stations. I suppose that either these "truth"-bringers are blind or they are trying to cover up the issue as they cover the backs of the elitists working to create the NAU.
Another thing to the reporters and news writers, QUIT SPENDING THE MAJORITY OF YOUR COVERAGE ON HUMAN-INTEREST STORIES! I, for one, will change the channel from MSNBC or Fox to C-SPAN or CNBC when either of the two previous channels blab on about Anna Nicole Smith or Michael Jackson or the Homicidal Astronaut or O.J. Simpson. It always throws me for a whirl how there are so many crucial stories to our country that aren't reported, and these wacko stories get so much airtime. Maybe if journalists would start to look closer at the North American Union, maybe they would find an interesting story to put on the airwaves. At least it would be a better story than the "Homicidal Astronaut".
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