Saturday, April 28, 2007


Image from Wikipedia

I will make what even I agree to be a different announcement. I WILL ENDORSE TWO CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IN 2008! I will continue to work for and endorse Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado. However, now I will officially endorse former U.S. Senator Fred Dalton Thompson of Tennessee. I will continue to work for Tancredo because his influence will encourage the illegal immigration, abortion, balkanization of America, and North American Union issues to the forefront of the national 2008 discussion. Tancredo himself doesn't expect to win nor really even wants the job. He just wants to push those issues to the front of the 2008 elections. I will work for Fred because he stands for America, stands for conservative principles and values, and HE WILL WIN! I am now on Fred's red truck and will be one of the millions who will ride it to the White House!

GO FDT 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am at a loss to understand how anyone who supports Tancredo would think of Thompson as being on the same team?

Thompson = Council on Foreign Relations, and,

“You’re going to have to, in some way, work out a deal where they can have some aspirations of citizenship”. Fred Thompson, 2006

Fred's position is polar opposite of Tancredo or Hunter and much more like Bush's. Can't imagine them on the same ticket. I think it's about time Fred joined the race. His TRUE positions need to be examined very carefully and understood by those supporting him.