Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Here is my idea for the 2008 Republican ticket ~ Former Senator Fred Thompson of Tennessee and former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. Why go through the fuss of having a conservative candidate with great leadership at the top of the ticket with a moderate at the bottom, or vise-versa. Both these candidates complement each other well. Both are conservative with strong leadership skills. They both know very well the dangers threatening our country, from the borders and from Islamofascism. They're both straight talkers. When they have something important to say, they say it and are not sorry if it is the truth. Thompson is stronger on foreign policy issues, while Santorum is stronger on social conservative issues. Santorum would not be a weak VP. Should the time come, God forbid, if Fred couldn't lead the country for a time, Rick could take the lead without much problem. It would, also, set up Rick for a Presidential bid down the road. The GOP could have a couple of good Presidential nominees for the foreseeable future. Sounds good to me!
Ronald Reagan was not excited about having George H.W. Bush as a running mate. That is fairly well known. It may be because H.W. was not really a strong conservative. Look at his record. Why should Fred have a problem with a liberal or a moderate by his side in the race. WHY SHOULD WE AS THE CONSERVATIVE VOTERS HAVE THAT PROBLEM! Santorum as the veep would be thrilling! A team that would appoint good judges, know how to deal with China, work to stop abortion, know how to solve the border situation and know how to deal with Islamofascists. That is only the tip of the iceberg. That sounds to me like what America needs at this crucial time in our history. We need good leadership that will preserve America and her strong values. The Thompson-Santorum duo COULD DO THAT! They could do it better than anyone out there now, except for Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter.
I ask Americans, especially bloggers and talk-radio hosts to join me in supporting Fred Thompson for President and encouraging him to choose Rick Santorum as his running mate. With influence, this could happen. These are challenging times for America. We need the leadership of these two gentlemen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a true die-hard conservative, I simply will not vote for another amnesty giving, globalist like Fred Thompson.

Only Tom Tancredo who bring true law and order to the border!