Thursday, August 30, 2007


Fans of former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson probably won't have long to wait for an official announcement about his candidacy for President of the United States. Politico is saying today that a source close to Fred confirms that the announcement will be via a webcast next Thursday, September 6. After that will come a post-announcement tour of iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida.

Despite all the darts being thrown at his campaign, especially from libs, Fred still holds a very good position in the polls. He also has a good manager in Bill Lacy, who grew up in my town of Cookeville, Tennessee. Lacy is a primary factor in why Fred was able to overcome long odds and win his 1994 Senate race. He trailed then-Congressman Jim Cooper, a Democrat from Nashville, by a large amount in the polls. Lacy helped to turn things around, and Fred won by an almost 60-40% margin.

Go Fred, and God bless ya!

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