Friday, March 28, 2008


Now is a good time to be reinformed about the despicable plan to create a North American Union, which would unite the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one political and economic union, similar to the European Union across the pond. It would end the United States as we know it, and run over the sovereignty of our great country like a runaway express train. Here are some videos, posted on YouTube regarding this extremely important issue. YouTube at recent has at least 2,390 videos on the subject, so I will post some from time-to-time on this subject. I would encourage all of you to inform yourself on this issue as much as possible. It will be a crucial, leading, and defining issue for our country for the foreseeable future. The first step in doing anything about it is informing yourself, then you can take whatever actions possible. Your future, and the future of the generations after you, are at stake in the last great hope for man - America.

By the way, Republicans should be disappointed that they preferred John McCain over Mitt Romney. In the third video, Romney says right out that a union of the three countries is not the right way to prosperity for America. Those who preferred McCain need to know that threats to America halfway across the world are still threats, but ones closer to home are even more serious right now. At this time, I am not certain to how McCain stands on the NAU issue, but signs may point to him being in favor of it. When I know more on how McCain stands on this issue, I will post it here.

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