Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Take On Minnesota Senate Candidate Al Franken.

The current leading Democratic U.S. Senate candidate in Minnesota, Al Franken, has been trying to avoid at least $70,000 in income taxes in 17 states back to 2003. Not surprisingly, this is not sitting well with the people of Minnesota. Franken appeared close in his race with Incumbent Republican Norm Coleman just a few months ago, but is now trailing by double-digits in the head-to-head matchups.

The mainstream media has not been talking about this issue all that much.

My take on this is, if this was a Republican doing these very same things, say Coleman, even the mainstream press in Washington state would be abuzz about it, let alone the alphabet soup networks. It would kill his political career and scar his family. However, Franken does it and not much is reported on it.

And it is said that there is no liberal bias in the mainstream press.

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