Friday, August 22, 2008



12:25 AM, Saturday, August 23, 2008

Multiple Democratic sources have reported that Delaware Senator Joe Biden is Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's choice for Vice President on that party's ticket. The major news networks are also confirming this report.

It appears the candidate of change is trading in that mantle for a senator with more experience who has been in Washington for over 35 years. Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972, and therefore knows his way around the politics of the city.

However, Biden also appears to some to be arrogant, and is known to shoot from the lip fairly often. Will that hurt Obama, especially during the VP Debate in October.

Also, will this encourage Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain to choose a woman to balance his ticket when he announces his running-mate next Friday. Since Obama did not choose New York Senator, and former Presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, a number of her supporters might now be willing to jump the party's ship and head over to McCain, especially if he chooses a woman like Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison or Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. I still believe McCain needs to choose Former Massachusetts Governor, and former Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, but now we need to watch and see who McCain decides to choose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Biden — the perfect foil for Palin!