Monday, September 1, 2008

Here's A Really Good Reason On Why Libs Just Tick Me Off!

It appears a few liberal-types are praising God for potential catastrophes now, as if that is any surprise. In the first following video, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler was secretly recorded by the person sitting beside him as they were flying from Denver to Charlotte. He is recorded talking to Democratic U.S. Representative John Spratt from South Carolina.

What he says during the clip is downright appalling. Fowler chuckles and says to Spratt that the "hurricane is going to hit New Orleans about the time they start", referring to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. He follows that up with saying the most sickening thing describing a disaster that I have heard in a while, "That just demonstrates God is on our side."

What do you think his response was after this started its way around the Internet. "One doesn't anticipate that one's private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase. But that's the nature of what we're dealing with," is the way he found to excuse is comments on the plane.

The link to the YouTube video can be found here.

In the second video, the whacked out filmmaker Michael Moore finds a way to spew out more unbelievable trash out of his mouth on Keith Olbermann's show on the MSNBC network. Moore is no stranger to truly unbelievable, uncompassionate words, but his words on this show, probably filmed Friday, are downright sickening. He greets everyone on the show by saying the hurricane is "proof that there is a God in Heaven", because it is coming the same time that the RNC was to start. Then, both Moore and his hack host Olbermann chuckle at the thought.

Find the YouTube video here.

What kind of decent human beings are first contemplating the political effects on their opponents by a potential catastrophe. Here is the possibility of great loss of life, and great destruction, but here we have a few guys who apparently find the idea of catastrophe funny if the political results are in their favor. What kind of decent human beings would do this, well I guess we have to remember who we are talking about. They are not really decent, are they?

Absolutely stunning!


Anonymous said...

J -

Can you please drop me a line at bluecollarmuse at gmail dot com?

I have something I'd like to discuss with you. Thanks.

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Anonymous said...

A more apt title for this piece could have been "Here's a Really Good Reason On Why Don Fowler and Michael Moore Just Tick Me Off!"

You make the brazen implication that the jackass comments of two people who happen to be Democrats represent the beliefs and values of liberals as a whole. Michael Moore is world-renowned and well-documented as being a corpulent lump of worthless matter who earns his bread and butter being outrageously, unreasonably, and offensively liberal. To assume that educated liberals hold him in any higher regard than you do would be a terrible mistake. While Don Fowler's comment was inappropriate, it was, in fact, made privately and intended only for the ears of John Spratt. Unfortunately some people use humor that is less that commendable in personal situations. It isn't right, or good, or honorable, but it also isn't material for attacking that person's political beliefs. If you want to attack liberals, attack them for what actually makes them liberals - politics. This attack is based solely on the personal character of these two men exhibited in a comment that happened to be made about a political event, but has nothing to do with politics itself. To use these comments as fuel for a political attack is asinine.