Friday, November 28, 2008

Americans Need To Pay Attention To The Cowardly Acts In Mumbai

Anyone who has been keeping up with current events in the last few days knows that a series of disgusting, cowardly acts has grabbed hold of the city of Mumbai, India over the last 61 hours.
In a well-coordinated siege, at least ten sites in the city formerly known as Bombay were terrorized in a nightmare of bullets, fire, blood, and hostage-taking. Over 160 are dead, and nearly 33o injured at the last count. Of that dead, five Americans and 1 Briton are among that count. Other Americans and British are among the injured.
The radical cowards took hostage two landmark five-star hotels, the Taj and the Oberoi, and the Nariman House, which is a Jewish outreach center. They also blasted the landmark Leopold Cafe with gunfire, where at least ten people were hit by the bullets. Ten people were killed at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, which is one of the busiest railway stations in India, after gunfire was sprayed there, and grenades were lobbed. Two other attacked sites were that of Mumbai Police Headquarters, where at least three high-level officers were killed by gunfire, and the Cama Hospital, where women and children are cared for.
A previously unknown group calling itself Deccan Mujahideen has reportedly claimed responsibility. However, terrorism experts are cautioning that it is still unknown whether this group exists, as it could just be a front group to that actual organization to blame. It is widely believed, however, that militants in Pakistan are responsible, regardless of what organization they are with.
It is now midnight on the East Coast of the United States by the time of this writing, and late morning in India. It now appears that the final standoff at the Taj Hotel is over. Just within the last couple of hours the hotel was caught in a major fire that blazed through its lower floors. The fire is now under control, and one more gunman is reportedly dead and another captured. Indian media are mostly reporting the situation seems to be under control.
America needs to watch this situation closely. This could very well be a precursor attack to another act of violence in a Western democracy. It is only a matter of time before our extremist enemies attempt an act of evil on our shores again.
We need to remain vigilant, now more than ever.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

THE SEASON GOES ON! Tennessee Tech Volleyball Takes The 2008 Ohio Valley Conference Crown

Story from
UC Daily News, Cookeville, Tenn.

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. - "Success is dependent on effort."
It seems the Tennessee Tech volleyball team knows this proverb first hand.
In a hard fought match Saturday, the Golden Eagles put out a huge effort, and now have the 2008 Ohio Valley Conference crown to prove it. The 3-2 victory over the Murray State Racers now vaults Tech into the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 1997.
Tournament MVP Kappy Lang led the way with 62 assists, 13 digs, four kills, and two service aces. Four in purple-and-white reached double-figures in the kills stat box. Amanda Lindgren had 20 herself. She was followed by OVC Player of the Year Leah Meffert, who had 16. Marie Peddicord totaled 15 kills, and Jessica Asplund followed her with 13.

By the end of the first set, it was clear that the fight for the 2008 OVC tourney championship was going to be a tightly-contested matter. The Racers jumped out to win the first set of the match by a 25-23 score. Tech rallied back to take sets two and three by the scores of 25-15 and 25-20 respectively. Murray State came back to win set four by a final score of 26-24. It then all came down to the grudge-match in set five, where Murray kept it tied on several occasions up to an 11-11 score. The Golden Eagles then found an opportunity to open the score up in their favor.

Asplund and Caitlin Bullock hit back-to-back kills to make the score go to 13-11 in Tech's favor. Murray's Logan Sue then scored a point on a kill to run the score to 13-12. Racer Becca Lamb committed an error to put the score at 14-12.

That set up the deciding score of the match.

Teresa Craig served to restart action, and after a short time of bouncing on either side of the net, Lang got assist number 62 on the night, and got the ball to Lindgren. She proceeded to crush the ball onto the Racer side of the court for her 20th kill, and the championship-clincher.

OVC Defensive Player of the Year Katie Kenline was another achiever in the match for Tech with 21 digs.

Leading the way for Murray State were Sara Hayden with 17 kills, Jade Guo with 45 assists, and Kayleah Sauer with 24 digs.

The victory represents the first conference championship for OVC Coach of the Year John Blair and Assistant Coach Jessica Lane. It follows a sweeping of the Austin Peay Lady Govs in the OVC Semifinals Friday. Tech won that match by the scores of 25-12, 25-22, and 25-21.

The tournament victories follow a 17-11 regular season for the Golden Eagles, in which they went 14-4 in conference play. That was good enough for OVC regular season co-championship honors, a first-round bye through the tournament, and the right to host the event at the Eblen Center in Cookeville.

Next on the schedule for the NCAA Tourney-bound Golden Eagles is a pre-tourney event in Louisville against the Cardinals. That match is set to be played on Saturday at 1 PM. The NCAAs are scheduled to begin on Thursday, December 4th, but place and time are still unknown. Those will be determined in the selection this Sunday.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


What on Earth is going on with the picture I am seeing from Washington regarding the economy. It seems they think that throwing endless streams of money at the economic problems we are facing are the answer. The fix to these guys isn't getting these failing companies to bring in new management, it is to give them taxpayers' dollars. Money that the hardworking people of America have sweated to make, and still barely get to ends' meat.

So we give at least $105 billion to AIG. What do they do just before receiving the taxpayer money? They take new recruits to a California resort to train them. If you are that financially strapped, go to a state park or some farmer's barn, if he will have you, to bring in new associates. For Pete's sake, you don't go to a Ritz-Carlton in California if you are on the brink of bankruptcy. We bail out Wall Street firms. We have financially strapped cities and states waiting to line up. There is even talk that Starbucks may even apply for a bailout. Since when is Starbucks providing a necessary service or good? Don't get me wrong, I like my coffee as much as the next guy, but Starbucks isn't the only firm, and our economy doesn't use them as a bedrock to prop up the system. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! We are swimming out on uncharted, dark waters with this strategy. There is no constitutional jurisdiction I can find for this runaway madness. There is no precedent for it in our history. The government became involved on a strong level following the Crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed, but that even pales in comparison to the road our government is blazing today.

I was a strong opponent to the idea of bailing out the Big Three automakers, until I read this column from the great scholar Pat Buchanan. However, I still remain skeptical about it, although I do realize that we can't let Detroit fold.

I do not believe government money will even come close to solving the problem. We are putting Scotch tape on a breaking dyke. The problem is greed, lack of morality, and poor management. Throwing dollars the TAXPAYERS earned at the problem is like pouring buckets of water INTO a sinking ship. It is a terribly misguided policy.

I guess we could leave it to the poor management in Washington to try to come up with these kinds of ideas to "help" the poor management in corners of the corporate world of our country. Meanwhile, who will be footing the bill? Who else, but those of us in my generation who are in our twenties, and our children, and future grandchildren. At the same time, many of those passing these ideas through legislation will have long passed from this life.

God, please help us!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


You didn't think I was going to let Veterans Day pass without a recognition of our great veterans, did you?
Thank God for all of our fantastic men and women willing to give up blood, sweat and tears for our great country, the best God has given man. It is because of the sacrifice of these men and women that I have the blessing of going to Tennessee Tech, the opportunity to better myself financially, to be able to run this blog without persecution from the Feds, and, most importantly, the great freedom to be able to worship the Creator without being imprisoned by officials.
These men and women go through tremendous stress to see to it that their countrymen have what our Founding Fathers set forth well over 200 years ago. Under even more stress and heartache are the families of the servicemen. Because of this, and because they are willing to put all on the line for YOU, be sure to thank a serviceman when you see him or her on the street, in your favorite restaurant, in the grocery store, and in anyplace you are. Let them know you appreciate what they are doing. Let the families know you appreciate their sacrifice, and that you are keeping the families in prayer. It means more to them than you will know!
God bless the armed forces of the United States! We are blessed to have such patriots among us every day!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

LOOKING FORWARD - To 2010, And 2012

It is not too early to start thinking about a conservative Republican renaissance in 2010, and another one in 2012. Therefore, I figured I'd put up a post to quickly handicap the field.

First of all, 2010 is just two short years away. There will be 36 Gubernatorial races, 35 U.S. Senate seats up for election, and all 435 seats in the U.S. House. Also, there will be numerous races in the states. This is a crucial first election for conservatives to start regaining power.

There will be 10 Democratic governors retiring in 2010, and if the GOP recruits the right candidates, they can all be winnable, except for probably Oregon and Maine. Kansas, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wyoming could all be good shots at a pickup. Michigan could be won if rumored candidate Ted Nugent, the popular conservative rocker, makes a run. Likewise, Pennsylvania could have a chance at a GOP governor if state Attorney General Tom Corbett makes a run. In Tennessee, there are signs pointing to a run by former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who would be the early frontrunner for the seat.

Only one GOP senator is planning to retire, and that is Kansas Senator Sam Brownback, who might make a run at the Governor's Mansion in that state. We have to defend 19 seats, while the Dems have to defend 16. Therefore, it is highly unlikely we will get the majority back in the Senate, but we can cut into it. So far, it is hard to find any pickup opportunities in the Senate, but no Dems have announced plans to retire, and we don't know how favorable the public's view of Obama will be in two years, so seats might start coming open. On the down side, the reverse could be true, as well. For a more in-depth look, visit the Wikipedia link posted here.

A more likely shot at a re-gain of power would probably be the House, as all seats will be open in two years. Although a change in power right now doesn't look likely, two years is an eternity in politics. I believe the Dems' run at picking up GOP seats has finally come to an end, and a reversal in fortunes is about to begin.

In 2012, the House seats will again be up for election, as will 33 Senate seats. Of course, the big election for the Presidency is also in that year.

It is almost impossible to handicap the House races for '12 until the '10 races are sorted out. However, we have an idea of what seats are up in the Senate. The field shines bright for Republicans at this time. Why? Because the Dems have to defend 23 seats, while the GOP only needs to hold onto nine. Talk about a good opportunity to go on offense!

Of course, the big race in 2012 will be for the Presidency. After four years of governing, Barack Hussein Obama will almost certainly be looking for a second term. Meanwhile, a likely rejuvenated Republican Party will be seeking to gain the White House again.

Currently, there are four major names often spoken about being GOP candidates for the Presidency in 2012:
-Former Arkansas Governor and 2008 candidate Mike Huckabee
-Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal
-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
-Former Massachusetts Governor and 2008 candidate Mitt Romney

However, other names are also being spoken of. Not surprisingly, most of them are leaders in the modern day conservative movement. It would be a shocker if the GOP decides to go with another moderate like McCain in 2012. Here are some other names:
-Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour
-Florida Governor Charlie Crist
-Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels
-South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint
-Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
-Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty
-CENTCOM Commander General David Petraeus
-South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford
-South Dakota Senator John Thune

In short, opportunities are coming for what I am sure will be a renewed and revived Republican Party in the next four years, especially come 2012.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One Bright Spot For Conservatives In 2008: TENNESSEE

While we got hit nationally with some tough blows, the Volunteer State was one of the few bright spots. In a sign that Tennessee will become a leading state for the GOP, if not one already, the party showed an impressive sign of power.

The state went overwhelmingly to the Presidential ticket of McCain-Palin by a 57-41 percent margin. That is only topped by Nixon's re-election showing in 1972, Reagan's re-election showing in 1984, and George H.W. Bush's election in 1988. Also, Republican U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander won re-election, by a huge 65-32 percent margin over challenger Bob Tuke, one of the best showings for a GOP U.S. Senate candidate in the state's history.

The state legislature in Nashville received a GOP mandate. Coming into last night, Republicans and Democrats each held 16 senators with one Independent. After winning three seats the GOP now hold power in the Senate by a 19-14 margin. In the State House, Dems held the power 53-46. Last night, however, the GOP picked up five seats and lost one for the total of four they needed to take the House. Now the GOP hold a slim lead in House power by the margin of 50-49. However, that is the first time Republicans have gained control of the House since Reconstruction.

Kentucky, Mississippi, and Texas can all be considered among some of the few bright spots, as those three states were crucial in electing Republican senators to keep the filibuster-proof majority the Dems were looking for a myth.


The following are the big difference in switching the power, as they took seats from Democrats or Independents:

In The Senate:
District 4 - Mike Faulk, with 50.2% of the vote. (Beat Incumbent Independent)
District 12 - Ken Yager, with 51.2 % of the vote. (Open Seat-D)
District 26 - Dolores Gresham, with 53.7 % of the vote. (Open Seat, formerly John Wilder's)

In The House:
District 2 - Tony Shipley, with 50.6% of the vote. (Beat incumbent Dem)
District 40 - Terri Lynn Weaver, with 54.7% of the vote (Open Seat-D)
District 48 - Joe Carr, with 51.5% of the vote. (Open Seat-D)
District 66 - Joshua Evans, with 52.4% of the vote (Beat Incumbent Dem)
District 71 - Vance Dennis, with 53% of the vote (Open Seat-D)

This Is What We As Conservatives Need To Do Over The Next Four Years!


The conservative movement took some big blows last night, and we are now set back a bit. Our country needs God more than ever, and we really need to pray harder than ever.

Now is a time for the conservative movement to do a serious gutcheck. We need to search ourselves, and know for sure what it really means to be a conservative. We need to find a way to address issues that people are concerned about, such as the environment, poverty, the handicapped, and like issues, but from a conservative perspective. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum was working on that before he became an early casualty of the Democratic gains two years ago. Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee is working on health and poverty issues across the globe. We need to address infrastructure, the economy, and other issues often, and we need to let people know why the conservative solutions are the right ones. Our recruiters of candidates for public office need to attract good, Christian conservative men and women to run for office, and will be leaders of the conservative movement of the future.

It is shaping up to be a tough two, maybe even four years. I think the GOP comes back in the Congress in 2010. I think we take some crucial governorships, and state legislatures.

It is time for a rejuvenated conservative movement to come back, erase the damage done so far to our great republic, and the damage these liberal nutjobs are sure to try to impose! Thank God we have stopped a filibuster-proof U.S. Senate. That is where a crucial battleline has been drawn.


Monday, November 3, 2008


I actually endorsed Senator McCain and Governor Palin back in June. Well, at least Senator McCain's ticket, which included Governor Palin in August. I could have written a formal endorsement then, but I have decided to do it now, even though I have been working to get this year's GOP ticket elected for the last few months. Why support McCain and Palin? I'll tell you.

We all know we face serious and defining threats in these days, from both our homeland, and from abroad. Our great nation is at a crossroads. Economies go through cycles. Our financial system has decided it is that time again to take a downswing. Actually, most of the world's economies are lagging right now. Iran is threatening free nations. China is booming into a world superpower, led by a form of communism. Russia is becoming imperialist again, threatening sovereign nations around it, especially Georgia and Ukraine. The injustice known as abortion has snuffed out the lives of nearly 50 million unborn Americans. Illegal immigration continues to be an ongoing struggle in this country, and a drag on our environment, healthcare system, education system, and job market in this country. It is also a problem for the reason that the illegal immigrants are not assimilating into our culture well, which hurts our national identity. We need to get a grip on our energy policy. We are sending $700 billion a year overseas for our oil. We need to get those oil sources from home, and work towards a solid alternative energy policy. These are just a few of the obstacles we face as a country.

That brings us to our next leader. In the words of Democratic VP choice Joe Biden, "Now is not the time for on-the-job training when it comes to the Presidency" (he was actually criticizing Senator Obama when he said these words. They were spoken back in the primaries, when Biden and Obama were both seeking the Presidency). John McCain doesn't have much to prove when it comes to showing his patriotism. Most of us know about the terrible torture he went through in his nearly six years as prisoner of war in Vietnam. His time in the U.S. Navy gave him incredible experience in matters of the military. He knows exactly what our brave patriots are going through in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is not sending them there for his own personal gain. He first ran for Congress in 1982, and he has been in the Congress since, so he really knows how Washington works.

To balance out the experience, he chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who gives the ticket a good breath of fresh air. She is a great outsider. She has fought corruption in the oil business in Alaska. She fought a "good ole' boys" system that ran the the state's Republican Party, the state itself, and her town of Wasilla. She stands on principles and values she grew up with. Values of community, value of life, freedom, hard work, and opportunity. She is a terrific speaker, and has the presence of a Ronald Reagan. Something we haven't had since Reagan himself. She lacks in foreign policy experience, but so did Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Besides, John has more than enough of that to go around. Give Sarah a little time watching John, and she'll gain foreign policy experience over time. She is also a solid voice on energy independence, a pressing issue facing our country.

On the other hand, I believe voting for Senator Obama is about the same as rolling the dice on our next leader. As I have said above, now is certainly not the time to do that. He lacks tremendously in experience. He is also a socialist at heart. He believes in "spreading the wealth". America has been opposed to this since our founding. Our country was founded on a limited government, and the citizens were free to keep what they worked hard to earn. It was a novel concept at the time, and one that has worked great for us for years. Our economy could once again bounce out of this downtime we are experiencing if the government can keep its hands off. It shows the arrogance of government when they don't trust their citizens to be benevolent with their own money. They think it's their responsibility to redistribute the wealth. This is an idea that is completely unconstitutional. However, Senator Obama supports these policies. He supports the idea of "Fourth Trimester Abortion". Under this, it is OK to kill a baby born alive after a botched abortion attempt. He supports the idea of prematurely pulling our troops out of Iraq without them winning with honor. This would trow Iraq into a vacuum of chaos, and strengthen our enemies. We don't want that. In addition, he has decided to align himself with individuals with a dark past, and even present. Folks like Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and others. Wright has called for G-D America after 9-11. Ayers attempted to bomb the Pentagon, NYC Police Headquarters, and the Capitol in the 1970s. In 2001, he said he wished he would have bombed more. To bring up these connections is not just some political fodder. Bringing up these connections goes a long way in trying to discover Obama's character, a crucial factor in electing a leader.

I believe I have made a solid case for supporting the McCain-Palin ticket tomorrow. To do otherwise would just be throwing the dice. Electing a leader is not a trip to Vegas to play blackjack.