Tuesday, November 11, 2008


You didn't think I was going to let Veterans Day pass without a recognition of our great veterans, did you?
Thank God for all of our fantastic men and women willing to give up blood, sweat and tears for our great country, the best God has given man. It is because of the sacrifice of these men and women that I have the blessing of going to Tennessee Tech, the opportunity to better myself financially, to be able to run this blog without persecution from the Feds, and, most importantly, the great freedom to be able to worship the Creator without being imprisoned by officials.
These men and women go through tremendous stress to see to it that their countrymen have what our Founding Fathers set forth well over 200 years ago. Under even more stress and heartache are the families of the servicemen. Because of this, and because they are willing to put all on the line for YOU, be sure to thank a serviceman when you see him or her on the street, in your favorite restaurant, in the grocery store, and in anyplace you are. Let them know you appreciate what they are doing. Let the families know you appreciate their sacrifice, and that you are keeping the families in prayer. It means more to them than you will know!
God bless the armed forces of the United States! We are blessed to have such patriots among us every day!

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