Sunday, February 8, 2009


Joe Biden thinks that it's time for Americans to be "more patriotic" by paying more in taxes, especially those that actually contribute the most by investing and providing jobs (over $200,000 in earnings). I think entertainers and wealthy pro athletes should be more patriotic, but I don't think the government should be wrenching it from them through taxes.

Liberals always claim to be so benevolent, so caring. Hollywood (mostly made up of big-time libs) is sure not communicating that well today when they are more than eager to continue accepting big pay and throw lavish parties, while more and more from the lower and middle classes get ejected from their homes and can barely put food on the table.

As I said, I don't believe government should be prying more out of anybody's hand. What I am saying is why can't the liberal movie stars, singers and athletes volunteer massive pay cuts or donate most of their wealth to charities that take care of those suffering right now. Some already do, but while still having tens or hundreds-of-millions in their bank accounts. Why can't the ever-so-generous Biden, John Kerry, Herb Kohl and Chuck Schumer offer personal help to many that could use it. Why not give up a ritzy vacation to feed several families.

Can anyone sense a dose of hypocrisy?

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