Wednesday, August 12, 2009


For the first time in a while, I genuinely feel good about the likelihood that the God-fearing patriotic people of this great country in taking their country back. For too long, those citizens who believe in the ideals and principles this nation was founded, the ones we call conservatives, have stayed silent.

Now, the silent majority is once again standing up. Common citizens, tired of government breathing down their backs more...and more.....and MORE, are finally standing, and making their voices known.

In return, the Democrats have resorted to name calling. Not just any name calling, but viscous personal attacks. Their words for the opponents to this bloating of government and choosing who lives and who dies are terms like "Nazis", "brown-shirts", "political terrorists", and the like. Hmm...interesting that the party that supposedly stands for the little guy is now bashing working class American citizens as un-American. I don't know about you, but I find that pretty doggone hypocritical.

I am standing with the millions of Americans, whether they are in rallies or unable to attend because of busy lives, who are speaking out and standing for our great nation's founding principles. These are the true Americans, and some of our greatest true patriots today!

And now to honor the voices of these fine people, I will compile a collection of some of the town hall meetings and put up a place where some more of these voices can be heard!

Here are some videos, courtesy of YouTube.

Sen. Arlen Specter's (D-PA) Town Hall Meeting in Lebanon, Pa. Aug. 11, 2009

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Atlanta, Ga. Protest August 15, 2009

Rep. Barney Frank's (D-MA) Insults On Constituents In Dartmouth, Mass.
August 19, 2009

Sen. Specter with Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in Philadelphia
August 2, 2009. Specter makes mistake by urging action on the bill to be done quickly.
Town hall crowd erupts in anger.

Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) heckled at town hall in July 2009.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) meeting in Orlando, Fla. August 17, 2009

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) refused to hold a town hall. Protesters responded at his
Springfield, Ill. office on August 14, 2009

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