Tuesday, January 19, 2010


12:13 AM CT, Wednesday, January 20th

Even though the dust still clouds the air after one of the greatest political earthquakes in a generation, some of the major factors and consequences of the Republican win in the special U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts are peeking through the shadows. The environment is toxic for Democrats and the leftist agenda as they are over-reaching in their policies. No Democrat is safe in these conditions, even in a leftist bastion like the Bay State. The tea party movement is very capable of supporting even moderately conservative Republicans rather than tearing the party apart. Leftist proposals on healthcare, cap-and-trade, and even immigration reform are now on life-support. These are just several of the things we know coming out of this stunner.

Now is also a good time to look and see who has won and lost in the aftermath of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts's decision to send Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate.


Obviously, the candidate who won the race is the big winner of the night, although his victory is also a major victory for other parties involved.

Just a year ago, as Barack Obama was sworn in as President, pundits and the media were declaring conservatism dead as the Democrats won both chambers of Congress and the White House in a big way in 2008. Now, as a new election cycle is well under way, the political direction of the nation has done a full 180-turn and is looking in a conservative direction. It seems that the times most similar to ours today is the elections of 1980 and 1994, a time of weak leftist direction that disenfranchised the American people. This is sure to be an historic and exciting year for America.

Activists in the freedom rallies were taken for granted as just a small minority less than a year ago when the movement began to gain steam. They were even the subjects of terrible name calling and offensive labels by some in the media and Democratic Party, as some still do today. Tuesday's results put in exclamation point on just how high the movement has risen as a major force in American politics. The results also prove that the tea parties are ready to work with the Republican Party this year, even slightly conservative ones, which goes contrary to the belief the media has been trying to portray.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee took a big position in this race, as it was reported today that they recently forwarded $500,000 to the campaign. The chief campaign arm for Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate has already had a series of huge successes in recruiting and fundraising. This victory justifies their use of the money sent to the Bay State, and it also will likely lead to increased fundraising and recruiting.

It is no secret that the former Massachusetts governor is looking at another bid for President in 2012. He is also widely considered to be the Republican frontrunner if he runs. His support for the winning Brown campaign will shine for him should he give the run a go.


Of course, as the candidate who was beaten in this campaign, she stands to lose tremendously. Her loss signals a major turn in direction for the country and produces a large list of losers.

Now that the GOP has 41 senators, it can now again filibuster harmful Democratic legislation. Leftist proposals on healthcare, cap-and-trade and other issues are now either in doubt or temporarily on hold.

The President is now 0-for-3 in major campaign stumps in recent months. First, he lost Criegh Deeds in Virginia and Jon Corzine in New Jersey in races for governor in November. Now, he loses as even more important campaign in his agenda. With each failed campaign, he loses more political capital. Almost everyone said it was risky for him to go to Boston for Coakley over the weekend, and the risk fell short. This does not help and surely hurts the White House for the rest of the 2010 campaign. Attacking Brown's truck also didn't seem above the frey, either. That furthers his image of getting off track and being out of touch.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee poured over $2 million into a losing bid in Massachusetts. They are already at a cash disadvantage to Republicans. This loss widens the gap after risking big in a campaign that will further make leftists apathetic. That is a threefer of a loss.

The senator's personal attacks on his now-colleague Brown and his truck struck as very tacky and out of touch. Kerry's political capital has plummeted dramatically since his failed Presidential bid in 2004, and this would seem to accelerate it.

BREAKING NEWS - Filibuster Proof Majority For Dems Broken As Bay State Elects First GOP Senator Since 1972



9:15 PM CT
With 94 percent of precincts in, Republican state senator leads state attorney general Martha Coakley 52 percent to 47 percent. Coakley has just conceded, meaning that Brown is now the U.S. Senator elect from the Bay State. He is the first Republican to be elected to the U.S. Senate from the state since 1972.

Monday, January 18, 2010



by Jordan M. Iwanyszyn

Over recent weeks, a once little-followed campaign for the U.S. Senate in the leftist bastion of New England has taken the nation by storm.

The race is for the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts that was held by Ted Kennedy for over four decades, and has seen Republican state senator Scott Brown surge into a tie or the lead in the campaign against Democratic state attorney general Martha Coakley.

Why am I saying all this for? Just about everyone it seems have already heard all this.

What cannot be stressed enough is the fact that this looks more and more likely to be the first major political tremor to shake the nation in this new year.

This race started to grab attention just about as the calendar turned from 2009 to '10. Polls coming out in late December into early January showed the margin of the lead by Coakley (as late as November at 31 percent) to quickly narrow and even evaporate. The first major poll that really started turning heads came from the Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling on January 9th that showed Brown up by one, and with a solid lead for independents. Every poll since that time has now showed either a very narrow Coakley lead withing the margin of error, a tie, or a Brown lead. Four of the five polls to be released over the weekend show Brown with a fairly or strong lead, most as high as seven to ten points. Now, even Democratic congressmen from the Bay State and Democrats in the White House are now criticizing Coakley and blaming her for running a lackluster campaign.

The truth is that Coakley has done just that. While Brown is running a smart, hard campaign with the energy of national conservative and tea party groups behind him, Coakley has run a lousy campaign. Democrats have signaled that they feel entitled to this seat, and Coakley really did not seriously campaign for the general election until January started.

At the same time, Brown has made some memorable and really good statements, while Coakley has committed some serious gaffes. In a recent debate, Brown had said that the seat he is running for is "...not the Kennedy seat, it is not the Democrat's seat. It is the peoples' seat." Brown has also been on-message and on-target in focusing on the socialist health care proposal currently in Washington and on national security issues, therefore, taking out positions that are appealing across party lines.

Meanwhile, Coakley criticized Brown for 'campaigning in the cold' at a recent Boston Bruins-Philadelphia Flyers hockey game at Boston's legendary Fenway Park. She has also criticized Brown for driving around in a red truck and claimed that famed former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is a New York Yankees fan. Schilling is a vocal Brown supporter. She also made the claim that catholics should maybe give a second look at working in the emergency rooms at hospitals and not work there if they oppose abortion. These are just a few of the examples of Coakley getting off message and making pointless attacks.

The combination of the smart Brown campaign and a terrible Coakley campaign has resulted in independents and even Democrats turning out the lights on Coakley. Recent polling suggests that almost 60 percent of independents, and even as many as 30-35 percent of Democrats are backing Brown.

Now, many people watching this race, including numerous Democrats, are expecting a major Republican victory with Brown winning the seat. I am one of those expecting a Brown victory, and I will even pinpoint a specific winning margin. I think Brown will be the victor by four points.

A Brown victory will likely signal the death of this current government-run healthcare proposal as he is opposed to it, and the Democrats only have the upper hand by one vote. Also, it makes cap-and-trade much harder. It also signals that Democrats have a much harder time on their hands during this mid-term election year than we even thought a few weeks ago. For a Republican to be leading in a state that hasn't elected a senator from the GOP in nearly four decades sends a massive message that an enormous political earthquake is ready to shake the leftists in power this year.

This race also sends the message that the conservative tea party activists are not there to shake apart the GOP, like the media and leftist organizations are trying to portray. Brown is not a line-following conservative. He supports civil unions, supports Roe v. Wade as 'the law of the land', and takes some other positions that conservatives object to. However, tea party activists are in Massachusetts helping Brown, and conservative radio talk show hosts are excited about a Brown victory. Those that expect tea party supporters to 'tear the GOP apart' do not really understand what the tea party message is all about.

Lastly, Barack Obama was in Massachusetts over the weekend to rally for Coakley, and in the meanwhile spent time criticizing Brown and his pickup. He also campaigned for outgoing New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and for Creigh Deeds, the candidate for governor in Virginia last year. Both of those races went the other way to Republicans Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell respectively. He continues to hurt his standing with every campaign he gets involved with and losing. If Brown wins tomorrow, he won't improve his standing.

It's about to get exciting!

Wikipedia article handicapping the race, including polls

Coakley calling Schilling a 'Yankees fan'

Boston Herald article on energy surrounding Brown's campaign

CNBC's Jim Cramer says stock market rally will come with Brown victory

Coakley attempts to tie Brown to Wall Street.....but uses a photo of the World Trade Center to do so.

The WTC ad is found appaling by former NYC Mayor Giuliani

Friday, January 1, 2010


Although this is a bit later than I wanted to release it, here are the 10 conservatives I want to honor that I believe have made a difference in 2009. As I before have stated in an earlier posting on this blog, this is not a list intended to be the top 10 conservatives. I am not looking to compare one conservative to another. This is just my way of pointing out and honoring 10 well-known individuals who have really made a difference this year, along with five honorable mentions. Happy New Year everyone! To the list!


CARRIE PREJEAN - Miss California 2009
Prejean's name was only known around the modeling circuit when the year began, but by the time the year was half over, she became known as a strong voice for principle who stood up to numerous personal attacks.

Prejean had just turned the young age of 22 by June when the Miss USA 2009 pageant was held. It was here that she was asked by known homosexual Perez Hilton about whether she believed that every state should legalize those kinds of relationships. Her response that she believes marriage is between a man and woman drew large amounts of media attention and really steamed Hilton. He later called her an expletive, which drew more attention. Following this, she became a noted spokeswoman for conservative family causes, especially traditional marriage, and appeared as a guest on FOX News programming.

Prejean makes this list because of her strong defense of the conservative principles she believes in, even at the risk of forsaking her dreams. She took a strong public stance on the right position of a major issue and showed further strength by defending her position. Even more remarkable is that she showed this strength at such a young age and against such continuing criticism. She is poised to continue to be a vocal defender of traditional values in the years to come.

SARAH PALIN - Former public officeholder, author
The story of Palin is a modern-day American success story. Born to blue-collar parents, she rose through the political ranks from mayor to chairman of Alaska's energy oversight commission to becoming the governor of the nation's 49th state, to being the only the second woman in history to be the vice presidential running-mate on a major U.S. political party Presidential ticket.

The year 2009 brought Palin a roller-coaster ride. To start out the year, this list would have placed her in the governor's category to soon follow. However, due to a rise in lawsuits against her office at home, mostly frivolous, and a rise in unwarranted attacks and criticism from leftists and the media, she decided to do her state and family a service by stepping down as Governor of Alaska in July and returning to life outside of public office.

However, although the first half of the year gave Palin a rough ride, the last half saw her resurgence. She became even more of a spokeswoman for the conservative movement, and has become even more of a political rock star than she was when she burst onto the national scene during the 2008 elections. She completed her autobiography in November and attracted large crowds on the book-signing tour. Talk of her as a frontrunner for the 2012 Republican Presidential campaign surged. Her approval polls found a bottom, and they are now showing signs of rising. There is little doubt that "Sarah Barracuda" will be a strong voice for America's principles for years to come.

Palin is on this list of notable conservatives because of her strong voice for our nation's founding principles and because of the way she has served so successfully as a conservative in numerous public offices. It will be exciting to watch her career progress in upcoming years.

DICK CHENEY - Former Vice President
Cheney is our honorable mention, because he did not retire to the rocking chair after his life of public service had completed. He continued to let his voice for conservative principles be heard, especially on matters of foreign policy. Soon after Obama took the office as President, he articulately blasted the administration's and the Congress's leftist views on matters of policy. This showed a legitimate concern for matters facing the country, rather than just using his office years as only watching for his political fortune.


HALEY BARBOUR - Mississippi
Barbour appears on this list, not necessarily for his office as governor of Mississippi, but because of his work as the leader of the Republican Governors Association. After the resignation of disgraced South Carolina executive Mark Sanford from the office of RGA Chairman, Barbour came into the post in June and led the organization to two exciting victories in November. Through his effective leadership, the RGA gave a huge helping hand to governors-elect Bob McDonnell in Virginia and Chris Christie in New Jersey. The two wins are viewed as political earthquakes because of the size of the nearly 20-point rout in Virginia, and because a conservative Republican was elected in an upset in the Democratic stronghold of New Jersey. These big victories are being considered by some to be a sign of things to come in the 2010 elections for the Republican Party, as 37 states hold elections for governor. With the work of Barbour and the RGA, we can expect to see a huge success for Republicans becoming executives of states all across the country.

We also need to mention Barbour's leadership in Mississippi's recovery after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Mississippi was very hard hit by the disaster, but the state has dramatically recovered in the time since because of free-market conservative principles, which have been encouraged by Barbour.

Perry has become a favorite of the tea party ralliers and supporters as he has publicly blasted the Obama administration and the leftists in Congress over their policies of runaway government spending and control, among other issues. As he is locked in a contested Republican primary for the office with current U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Perry's solid conservative stances look to win over much of the conservative base in the conservative bastion of Texas.

Outside of his vocal support for conservative policies and his criticism of the leftist direction of Washington, Perry also needs to be recognized for his leadership of a state that is holding its own in a tough economy. Texas is a great example to the rest of America on how to succeed and even prosper in a tough global economy. Perry is leading and assisting the state to hold to conservative free enterprise and lower-tax policies which are leading the state to a considerable amount of success during a recession.

Because of his accomplishments in the Lone Star State, watch for Perry to be a formidable candidate for the Presidency should he seek it in 2012.

TIM PAWLENTY - Minnesota
Pawlenty is our honorable mention because he is a conservative governor in a leftist, Democratic bastion. His success in winning elections to the office twice, and his governance under conservative principles are something worth talking about. Watch for him to be a strong potential frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2012.


JIM DeMINT - South Carolina
DeMint has become a staunch critic of the leftist policies that are now dominant in Washington. He has been a firm, unwavering voice for traditional conservative principles, and is now a highly respected U.S. Senator in the view of many conservatives across the country. As we go into 2010, DeMint looks to continue to be a steadfast leader on principle as value-minded candidates and senators look to bring the Republican Party closer to power in this branch of congress.

The Republican leader in the U.S. Senate has done a pretty good job in holding to his principles in a position that you would expect to bring more moderation and "bi-partisanship". He has shown disgust and frustration with the majority party's policy proposals, especially on healthcare. McConnell looks to continue to be an effective leader of the currently-minority party in the Senate as we roll into 2010.

Cornyn is the leader of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and has seen tremendous success in recruiting qualified and talented candidates to run for the Senate that have great shots at joining that body, including those candidates in traditionally Democratic strongholds. Because of strong recruiting, and the struggles of the incumbents, Republicans have legitimate chances at dethroning Democrats in Connecticut, Illinois, Delaware and perhaps California, along with a great shot at bringing down the majority leader in his state of Nevada. Cornyn's effective leadership promises to assist that organization in being a driving force to make a huge difference in the U.S. Senate in just 13 short months from now.


In early November, Bachmann listened to the idea of a constituent to hold a rally at the steps of the U.S. Capitol to oppose the healthcare bill, which was about to come to the floor of the House for a vote. That was at the beginning of the first week of the month of November. By that Saturday, the rally was held with virtually all Republican House members in attendance along with radio talk host Mark Levin and a couple of conservative movie actors. Tens-of-thousands from coast-to-coast were in attendance at the rally which had the feel of a tea party freedom rally and the atmosphere was very energetic.

It is because of this leadership in getting the rally organized and because of her articulate defense of America's founding values that Bachmann is placed on this list. She looks to continue as a leading voice for the conservative movement in the upcoming years.

PAUL RYAN - Wisconsin
As the Republican leader of the House Budget Committee, Ryan is a leading voice for fiscal conservatism. He graduated from college with an economics degree, and has private sector experience as president of his own small business - a consulting firm. Because of this, he knows the importance of the conservative view on the economy. Ryan can be expected to be a leading spokesman for the conservative movement, and will likely be a candidate for higher office in future years. He is no doubt a rising conservative and Republican star.

MIKE PENCE - Indiana
Pence is the chairman of the House Republican Conference, which makes him the third-ranking Republican in the House. Pence has been a leading articulate voice for principle over his 4 1/2 terms in the House. That is why he is named as this list's honorable mention.


GLENN BECK - FOX News Host, Radio Talk Show Host
Beck has become a leading voice for conservative principles over the airwaves, and a staunch supporter and leader in the tea party rally movement. His television on FOX News is now the highest rated in its time slot, and one of the highest in TV news. His articulate style which shows honest concern over the direction of the country connects with millions of people, many of which consider him a role model. Beck was a leading reporter on the major issues of corruption, ACORN and runaway government control in 2009. As we enter 2010, which promises to be an exciting and historic political year, Beck will continue to be a leading voice.

RUSH LIMBAUGH - Radio Talk Show Host
Limbaugh has been a leader in the conservative movement since debuting his nationally-syndicated radio talk show in 1988. He delivered a rousing speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March of 2009, which highlighted his activities through the year. Limbaugh made a name as a leading critic during the Clinton Administration, and all throughout the first year of the Obama Administration, he has brought his articulate criticism to millions of listeners six days a week. Limbaugh can be expected to continue as a leading conservative voice in 2010 just as he has been every year for over two decades.

SEAN HANNITY - FOX News Host, Radio Talk Show Host
Hannity was among the first to bring the issue to light over Obama's bizarre and dark influences and associates. As many of those connections have now come to light and been confirmed, Hannity's bold reporting on this issue has been legitimately justified. Now, as we come into 2010, Hannity is becoming a leading organizer for a conservative takeback of Washington. He is rallying conservative Americans to get involved in the elections to come in November, and he is giving solid insight of the issues of our time. Through his radio show and his website, he is bringing his listeners the organization of the 2010 mid-term elections, and informing them of how to get involved in voting out leftist and "moderate" congressmen. In doing so, Hannity strongly deserves this honorable mention spot as a leading conservative voice in 2009, and promises to remain a leader on the scene in 2010.