Thursday, June 4, 2020

We Have So Much To Be Thankful For In This Land. I Will Not Apologize For My Patriotism And Our Flag.

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We have so much to be thankful for. I look back at the lives of my grandfathers and I am amazed. Earl Beltz only experienced up to a 9th grade education, yet went on to work several jobs until he had a long technical career with AT&T. He rose to a position where even college-educated employees at “Ma Bell” would take him along to their conferences because they depended on him for knowledge in certain areas they did not have in certain areas. He and my grandmother Irene, who also worked, raised six children including my Mom, and had a good life. Wasyl Iwanyszyn left his homeland which had been taken over by the communist Soviet Union to come to this nation with barely a possession to his name. He and my grandmother Gloria, who worked as well, raised eight children including my Dad, and they also had a great life. All four of my grandparents were raised in the time of the Great Depression and came to age during World War II, and obviously witnessed and met many challenges. They couldn’t have done what they did outside of our United States. They weren’t handed the things of life, but rather lived a solid work ethic and a life of faith.

Our Independence Day is a month away today and Flag Day is a week from this upcoming Sunday. We just honored Memorial Day over a week ago. I am always patriotic, and this time of year is easier to be more so.

We have so much to be thankful for, and I am very thankful for the blessings God gives us in this special land. I am thankful for family, for liberty, and for opportunity. I am thankful to worship my Lord & Savior and preach His Word in a nation that doesn’t punish you like a criminal for doing so. I am thankful that I can have the honor to be sent by my neighborhood and community to represent them in matters of county governance. No other nation affords the opportunities this land does.

I am thankful for this land and for our flag.

I am disappointed that we have such a powerful element in our time today that would so hate and revile a person for taking the time to positively speak about his patriotism when he was asked for his view. I am especially disappointed that this same person, a well-respected and accomplished NFL athlete, was so pressured and felt the need to apologize for expressing his patriotism. He has nothing to be ashamed about in his statement standing for our nation and our flag. I am thankful for the service of both of his grandfathers.

I love our nation! I will not apologize for our founding principles rooted in Biblical principles, in liberty, and in opportunity and justice for the people.

I will not apologize for my patriotism.

I will not apologize for our flag.

May God bless us with revival in our great nation, with wisdom, with unity and with peace.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016



7 PM - Fox News projecting the following:
Georgia (GOP) Trump
Georgia (Dem) Clinton
Virginia (Dem) Clinton
Vermont (Dem) Sanders

8 PM - Fox News projecting Trump wins the Tennessee, Alabama and Massachusetts primaries.  Oklahoma too close to call.  Clinton wins the Dem primary in Tennessee.

8:10 - A run-down of some live returns:
Virginia (GOP) 61% reporting - Trump 37%, Rubio 30%, Cruz 17%
Georgia (GOP)  8% reporting - Trump 47%,  Rubio 22%, Cruz 21%
Alabama (GOP)  less than 1% reporting- Trump 37%, Rubio 20%, Cruz 20%
Oklahoma (GOP)  2% reporting- Trump 36%, Cruz 29%, Rubio 23%
Tennessee (GOP)  4% reporting- Trump 47%, Rubio 21%, Cruz 18%

8:33 - Fox News projecting a narrow win for Trump in Virginia.  Seven-point margin there looking likely to narrow.

9:00 - Fox News projecting Ted Cruz to take his home state of Texas.  Still close races in Arkansas and Oklahoma.  Trump and Rubio neck and neck in Arkansas and Cruz and Trump close in Oklahoma.

9:15 - Fox News projecting Ted Cruz to win Oklahoma.  Big win for the Cruz camp tonight.

10:30 - A rundown of select GOP returns at the present:
Virginia - 99% reporting - Trump 35%, Rubio 32%, Cruz 17%
Texas - 16% reporting - Cruz 41%, Trump 28%, Rubio 18%
Georgia - 76% reporting - Trump 40%, Cruz 24%, Rubio 23%
Tennessee - 75% reporting - Trump 41%, Cruz 24%, Rubio 20%
Oklahoma - 96% reporting - Cruz 34%, Trump 29%, Rubio 26%
Arkansas - 33% reporting - Trump 35%, Cruz 29%, Rubio 25%
Vermont - 72% reporting - Trump 32%, Kasich 31%, Rubio 20%
Minnesota - 10% reporting - Rubio 37%, Cruz 27%, Trump 20%

10:40 - Clinton does exceptionally well among Dems tonight, racking up massive margin wins in TX, GA, VA, TN, AL, AR and even a close victory in Sanders backyard in MA.  Sanders can only claim wins so far in his homestate of VT and in OK.

11:10 - Fox is calling Minnesota for Rubio.  This is his first primary/caucus victory this election season.  He is running up large numbers in the state and should come away with the vast majority of its delegates.


Alabama · 50 delegates
Last poll closes at 7:00 PM CT
Alaska · 28 delegates
Last poll closes at 11:00 PM CT
Arkansas · 40 delegates
Last poll closes at 7:30 PM CT
Georgia · 76 delegates
Last poll closes at 6:00 PM CT
Massachusetts · 42 delegates
Last poll closes at 7:00 PM CT
Minnesota · 38 delegates
Last poll closes at 8:00 PM CT
Oklahoma · 43 delegates
Last poll closes at 7:00 PM CT
Tennessee · 58 delegates
Last poll closes at 7:00 PM CT
Texas · 155 delegates
Last poll closes at 8:00 PM CT
Vermont · 16 delegates
Last poll closes at 6:00 PM CT
Virginia · 49 delegates
Last poll closes at 6:00 PM CT

SUPER TUESDAY! A Few Things I Am Looking For

Happy Super Tuesday!  Here are a few of the things I am looking for tonight:

1) How do things go in the bigger delegate prizes.  Texas, by far, is the largest with 155 delegates.  After that, Georgia (76 delegates), Tennessee (58), Alabama (50) and Virginia (49) are also delegate rich states.  Watching to see how things develop in those states and particularly watching the margins.

2) Watching to see what the margins are in all the states.  Trump is expected to win just about all of the states, and Cruz expected to take Texas by many.  However, the states won are not the full picture.  These states are just about all proportional, so how do they break the delegates down.  Delegates are the most important factor in attaining the nomination, particularly to attain the nomination before the convention.

3) Watching Georgia and Virginia to look for any clues on what to expect for the fall general election.  Virginia is a microcosm of the nation as a whole, probably the most important bellwether on what the nation is thinking.  Georgia is developing into a swing state again.  If Trump is the nominee, what are his chances in November of claiming those states in the GOP column.  From the viewpoints I have been seeing for some time, I think Trump would struggle in those states if he is the nominee.

4) What happens in Virginia, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Arkansas?  These four states are considered to be Marco Rubio's best shot at breaking through tonight.

5) Of course, how do the delegates break down?  If Trump comes out with only 100 or so more delegates than say Rubio or Ted Cruz, this race will likely drag on a while, maybe even go to convention.  If Trump runs the table in many, then this race will start to look more and more certain.

These are among the things I am primarily looking at tonight.

Saturday, February 20, 2016



9:40 - Cruz takes to the podium.  His supporters criticized Rubio for sounding like a winner in Iowa a couple short weeks ago.  Now he sounds like he is taking the opposite side of the table.  He looks to come in 3rd, but sounds like he is claiming victory in a state he should have won.  He claims these are historic results in his favor and that his team have "defied expectations."

9:35 - Charleston and Richland counties all in, and both voted for Rubio.  So far, Cruz is not winning a single county in a state that he was expected to have a good shot in for 1st.

9:30 - Rubio looks to have won the two populous counties in South Carolina tonight.  Most of the vote has come in from Charleston County, and Richland county is home to Columbia, and Rubio is decently in the lead there as well.

9:10 - Bush and Trump have addressed their supporters.  Rubio is about to take the podium momentarily.  Rep. Trey Gowdy has spoken at Rubio HQ and now Sen. Tim Scott is addressing the excited Rubio crowd.

8:58 - Now 67% of the numbers are in.  We have two-thirds of precincts in, and Trump is holding on to 33% of the vote, and Rubio is now alone in 2nd with 22.2% of the vote, followed by Cruz at 21.7% of the vote.  All other candidates are at 8% and less.  If Cruz ends in 3rd today, it is a major disappointment for his campaign.

8:43 - BREAKING:  Jeb Bush speaking to supporters in South Carolina announces he is withdrawing from the Presidential race.

8:38 - Now 43% of precincts in and Trump has 34% of the vote, followed by Rubio and Cruz, who are locked at 21.6% of the vote apiece..  Bush and Kasich almost locked at just over 8% of the vote apiece.

8:13 - Just over 20% of precincts in, and over 150,000 votes have been counted.  Rubio ahead of Cruz for 2nd by just 8 votes!  Close as it gets!

8:03 - New block of votes come in, propelling Rubio to 2nd.  Now 16% of vote in and Rubio with 22% of the vote to Cruz's 21%.  Kasich also now overtaking Bush for 4th.

8:00 - With 12% precincts reporting, Trump holds 34% of the vote, with Cruz at 22% and Rubio at 21%.  None of the other candidates break double digits.  Bush is in 4th with just under 10%, barely staying ahead of Kasich.

7:50 - As recently as last Sunday, the RealClearPolitics average of polling was showing Trump with a nearly 20 point margin over 2nd.  He is now fighting for a 10 point margin.  Rubio and Cruz both outperforming polling right now, while Bush, Kasich and Carson all down from their polling.

7:40 - All networks now calling the primary for Trump.  Rubio narrowly leading Cruz for 3rd.

7:31 - BREAKING:  The Fox News decision desk is calling South Carolina for Donald Trump, but projecting that he will end with only a single digit margin.  Rubio and Cruz in a race for 2nd.  

7:30 - A lay of South Carolina geography to keep in mind as results come in.  The state is pretty well split in three distinctive areas, and each have their own priorities.  The NW part of the state is strong with faith voters.  Spartanburg and Greenville are main cities in this area.  The central part of the state is home to Columbia, the state capital, and has a diverse blend of voters.  There are business-minded conservatives here, as well as a lot of foreign policy-focused voters with a number of veterans in that area.  Faith conservatives are plenty here also.  Lastly, there is what is known as the "Low Country".  This is the coastal area where Charleston and Myrtle Beach are larger population centers.  Many retirees live in this area.

7:09 - Reports coming in that late deciders broke heavily for Cruz and Rubio.  It is reported to be a tight 3-way race for 1st between Cruz, Rubio, Trump.

7:08 - Judging by what I hear in the exit polls and other info coming in, I will predict the following order:
1) Rubio
2) Cruz
3) Trump
4) Kasich
5) Bush
6) Carson

Tuesday, February 9, 2016



10:35 - BREAKING: Fox is reporting that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is going home and not to South Carolina as he will reportedly "take stock" of what tonight's results mean.  He will not qualify for this Saturday's GOP debate as he will place sixth in New Hampshire tonight.

10:00 - GOP race for 3rd still very much up in the air.  We are now at 47% of precincts in, and Cruz still in 3rd with 12% of the vote.  Bush and Rubio are tied in percentage at 11%, and very close in raw votes.

9:10 - BREAKING: Fox is calling 2nd place in the New Hampshire GOP primary for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.  Battle now for 3rd place, which is very competitive.  With 24% of precincts in, Trump has 34% in 1st.  Kasich has 15%, and he is followed by Cruz and Bush both with 12% and Rubio at 10%.  Cruz is only ahead of Bush by 15 votes for that 3rd slot.  Rubio is only out of the 3rd slot by 900 votes out of over 66,000 votes counted.

8:00 - BREAKING:  Fox and CNN both call the New Hampshire primaries for Donald Trump on the Republican primary and Bernie Sanders on the Democrat side.  Just a matter now of seeing by how much and how the others on the GOP side fall in place.

7:50 - Very early, with 2% of precincts reporting, and Trump is off to a big lead at this time, at 34%.   He started though with over 40% of the vote as the first precincts reported.  Spots two through six are seeing a major log jam, with Kasich at 15%, Bush at 11%, Cruz and Rubio both at 10% and Christie down at 9%.

7:25 - "Phenomenal" and record-breaking turnout being reported in today's primary.  Some areas reporting over 60% turnout of registered voters!  The traffic line to one polling station in the town of Merrimack, a town of over 25,000 in the south of the state, stretched up to 2 miles!  The secretary of state's office and the attorney general's office in the state have ordered that the local moderator of the precinct can keep the polling place open "as long as she deems necessary".

6:10 - Personal prediction of the top 7 tonight.
                 1) Trump
                 2) Kasich
                 3) Rubio
                 4) Bush
                 5) Cruz
                 6) Christie
                 7) Fiornia

Monday, February 1, 2016




10:20 - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz takes the stage for victory remarks.

10:17 - As we start the delegate count in this long process this winter and spring, Iowa starts us off in a three-way dead heat.  Preliminary delegate count totals broken down with Cruz at 8, Trump and Rubio at 7 apiece and Carson at 3.

10:06 - Review my prediction at the bottom of this post and see what you think.

9:52 - It is now 90% of caucus sites reporting on the Dem side, and we have a even-split.  Clinton with 50% and Sanders 50%.

9:48 - Florida Sen. Marco Rubio just wraps up an enthusiastic speech to supporters in Des Moines.

9:30 - BREAKING:  Republican candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has announced through Twitter that he will suspend his campaign for the Presidency.

9:25 - BREAKING:  Fox News projects a Cruz victory, with Trump in 2nd and Rubio a close 3rd.

9:20 - Now 99% of precincts in, and Cruz at 28% and Trump and Rubio in a virtual tie with 24% and 23% respectively.

9:15 - As we wait for new votes, the general consensus by way of chatter is now this.  Cruz put his eggs in the Iowa basket and he looks like he gets what he needed.  Not a major boost, as this state was tailor-made for him.  Trump seems to have underperformed if this holds, and talk already has him in a must-win situation in New Hampshire next week.  Marco Rubio looks to be the big winner by dramatically overperforming, and now we can expect to see him drawing support away from Kasich, Christie and Bush in New Hampshire.  Looking later in the month, The top three today have strength in South Carolina, and Sen. Tim Scott there is setting up to endorse Rubio tomorrow.

8:58 - BREAKING:  Dem candidate Martin O'Malley, the former Maryland governor, is reportedly set to suspend his Presidential campaign tonight.  That is no surprise, but the real story there is that the only younger Democratic candidate is dropping out.  The party that tries to build an image of appealing to youth and looking to the future has two career politicians that are well into their 70s.

8:56 - Neil Cavuto on Fox Business coverage is reporting that "Marco Rubio could be the story of the night."  I think that is an obvious answer.

8:53 - Total between the three contenders narrowing with 75% of precincts in.  Cruz now at 28%, Trump at 25% and Rubio at 22%.  Just six points separating 1st from 3rd!

8:46 - Narrowest of leads for Hillary Clinton on the Dem side.  With 63% of precincts in, Clinton at 51% and Sanders at 49%.

8:38 - Now 47% of precincts in.  Cruz still stuck at 29%, Trump at 25%, and Rubio nipping at his heels with 21%.

8:33 - Sudden surge of numbers coming in.  Now 41% reporting, and Cruz still narrowly ahead with 29%, Trump 26% and Rubio at 20%, breaking into the 20%+ club.  Carson in 4th at 10%.

8:31 - Here is one precinct that Rubio won in a blowout:

Urbandale-15 is a rout.
Rubio 106 Cruz 39 Trump 33 Carson 11 Kasich 10 Paul 5 Fiorina 5 Santorum 4 Jeb 4 Huckabee 2

8:22 - CNN now has an estimate at the Ankeny caucus with Rubio at 34%, Cruz at 28% and Trump 18%.  Not indicative of the Hawkeye State as a whole, but Trump's weakness is surprising as it is a business conservative's area.

8:19 - Numbers continuing to come in.  Now at 24% of precincts in, and Cruz still in 1st with 30%, Trump next at 27% and Rubio at 19%.  Many larger caucus sites and urban areas still have yet to report.  Watch these urban areas where there will be likely stronger support for Trump and Rubio.

8:01 - Now 7% of precincts in with Cruz at 30%, Trump 29% and Rubio 18%.

7:49 - Very, very early numbers in now.  With 3% of precincts in, Cruz at 31%, Trump 30% and Rubio 16%.  All others in single digits.

7:38 - CNN entrance poll showing 63% of GOP caucus-goers consider themselves evangelical.  Among them, the vast majority split nearly identically between Cruz, Trump, Rubio with Cruz 2% ahead.  Among non-evangelicals, Trump holds a decent lead with Rubio in 2nd.  This has to be considered concerning and pretty alarming news at Cruz headquarters.

7:15 - Fox News entrance polls showing a tight race on the GOP caucus between Trump, Cruz and Rubio for first.  Entrance polling on the Dem caucus showing a tight race between Clinton and Sanders.  In other words, we have a free-for-all, just as we expected coming in this weekend.

7:10 - Personal prediction of the GOP race top 5 tonight
           1) Cruz
           2) Rubio
           3) Trump
           4) Carson
           5) Paul