Sunday, November 12, 2006

Duncan Hunter may not be as conservative as I thought!

I would like to thank "stephen" for bringing some information about Rep. Hunter to my attention. If you look down at the "comments" section under "Looking at 2008-Republicans",
Stephen says that Hunter has a "HUGE spending problem" and that he is a career politician. It looks like I have to look into Mr. Hunter some more. I urge readers to look at that comment.

Stephen also mentioned the Club for Growth. This brings up another statesman that I hope runs for elected office again, former Pennsylvania Congressman and current Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. I hear rumors that he may run for the U.S. Senate again or for Governor of Pennsylvania. I hope so! America needs leaders like him. It is a shame that he did not beat Arlen Specter in the Republican U.S. Senate primaries in 2004.

Thanks again Stephen for weighing in on this blog!

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