Monday, November 13, 2006

Martinez will be new GOP chair

MSNBC reports that Senator Mel Martinez of Florida will take over Ken Mehlman's position as GOP chairman. I have to say that I am not in favor of this. The national party clearly has numerous good candidates for this position. Men like Rick Santorum, J.D. Hayworth, and George Allen (Now that they are no longer busy). Although Pat Toomey is currently president of The Club For Growth, he could have even been offered an opportunity as GOP chair. These are only a handful of good potential candidates. I heard that outgoing Colorado Governor Bill Owens was a likely candidate. He would have certainly been a better choice, in my opinion.
Owens was ranked as a very successful governor who could get the job done. Now we will have to see what Martinez's response will be to get us conservatives back into leadership. I have heard him speak on C-SPAN during the illegal immigration debates earlier this year, and he sounds just about as soft as Bush on the issue. To read MSNBC's article go to

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