Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Appearently, I have learned a new word today, Pennsyltucky. This word refers to the area of Pennsylvania that is not Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. I have not heard the word before I looked at the SantorumBlog just within the hour, although it seems to be used often when referring to Pennsylvania politics. The word is just how it sounds, a combination of "Pennsylvania" and "Kentucky", and is a reference to the largely rural areas of the Central, Northern and Western areas of the state. A large portion of the Eastern part of the "Keystone State" is rural, as well. That is, once you're coming out of Philadelphia and the immeadiate suburbs. Even Chester and Bucks counties, which neighbor Philadelphia County, have large rural areas. You thought that Pennsylvania was all Philadelphia, didn't you? After learning this, I guess I can say I'm from Berks County, Pennsyltucky.

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