Sunday, May 6, 2007

Pennsylvania House Speaker Endorses Thompson

Dennis O'Brien, Speaker of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives, has endorsed Fred Thompson in his likely bid for the Republican nomination for the White House next year, according to O'Brien is a Republican from near Philadelphia, and presides over a majority-Democratic chamber. He topped the former GOP speaker, John Perzel, in January, in which he was offered nomination by a couple of Dems, and he was supported by a few Republicans looking for reform, as well as most Dems. Most of the GOP members in the House, along with a few Dems, supported Perzel for another term.

According to
"While O’Brien is relatively new to the circles of power in Pennsylvania politics, this is certainly a major endorsement and could help Thompson raise big money in Philadelphia."

The FredTrain is moving right along, chugging down the right track!

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