Sunday, May 6, 2007

YES! Schaffer to run in Colorado!

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Former U.S. Congressman Bob Schaffer has reportedly decided to run for the U.S. Senate in Colorado next year. He spoke to an audience of about 100 at a Lincoln Day dinner where at least two GOP officials report that he has announced his candidacy. However, to rain just a bit on the party, Schaffer himself denies to have announced a run for the Senate. Schaffer seems to be considered the frontrunner for the GOP in this seat. The Dems are uniting behind the candidacy of Congressman Mark Udall, a member of a popular Colorado political dynasty. Schaffer is a strong conservative and bears a record that shows such. The Conservative Statesman has already endorsed him, and now that it seems he is in the race, this blogmaster is very excited! We will watch this race closely, as will America. This will be one of the most important Senate races next year. Whoever wins will replace the retiring conservative Wayne Allard.
For more, here is the posting on the popular blog RedState.

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