Saturday, July 14, 2007

Gilmore Is The First Out In The GOP Race.

Politico is reporting that former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore has ended his 2008 bid for the Presidency. He was a good candidate that was near the top of my list for candidates I would support next year (Fred Thompson is first, followed by Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter, and Gilmore would have been fourth).
I expect, and hope, that he will run for the U.S. Senate seat in Virginia next year. I expect, and hope, that John Warner will retire from that seat, Gilmore will enter the race, beat Tom Davis in a GOP primary, then go on to win the seat.
Gilmore may be hinting at such a move. He is going to work to elect Republicans to the Virginia General Assembly this year, and he will look to become more involved with the Virginia public service scene. He also says that he is keeping his options open in regards to running for the U.S. Senate, or for Governor again in 2009.
God bless ya Jim Gilmore, and please run for the U.S. Senate!

Clinton And Edwards Conspire To Push Aside Long-Shot Rivals

I expect this from Clinton, because she has done this sort of thing in the past, when she was in the White House as first lady. Edwards surprises me a bit, though. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as the Democrats' leaders are all pretty shady creatures. I believe all who are the more serious contenders should be allowed in the debates. We can't possibly have all the dozens from each party who are in the race in public debates, but up to 15 contenders certainly can't hurt. Just make the debates longer if you have to. Personally, I want the nominees from the Constitution, Libertarian, and even the Green Party, along with the major independents, in the debates when the general election comes around. It is only fair, and these third party and even the long shots during the primary contests have a lot to offer in debating the major issues of the day. Many times, the long shot candidates have more sense on the issues than a lot of the top contenders. I would hate to see Tancredo, Hunter, Tommy Thompson, and Paul excluded from the GOP debates. They have brought a lot of good ideas to the table, and have entertained us probably more than the chief contenders most of the time.

It is great that Mike Gravel has been allowed to participate in the debates. He has been the most fun Democrat to watch, especially when he attacks the front-runners. His creativism and his excitement are about the only things worth watching on the Dems' side of this race. That can be seen in this video.

The Latest On Fred.

I said a week ago that I expected Fred Thompson to officially throw his hat into the Presidential horserace ring by next week. However, things I am hearing in the last couple of days lead me to think that he may not officially enter until maybe even September.

He is being criticized for this for a couple of different reasons. However, I think his criticizers are insane for being so outspoken on this. For one thing, what does he have to lose. The last three Rasmussen polls show him in the lead for the GOP nomination, while most other polls show him to be strongly in second. Secondly, he is raising millions of dollars without having to report his contributions. John McCain's imploding campaign, however, is reporting low contributions and debts, something that is sure not to attract a stampede of further contributors. Third, he is getting free publicity from the press. Fourth of all, he doesn't have to get seriously mired in the debate the other contenders are facing now. He and his staff can prepare strategy without having to seriously deal with the cheap shots the others are sure to throw his way. Fred is an experienced and wise gentleman. HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING!

Make no mistake, he is running. You can tell by what he and his staff are saying that he will be in this race. Just because the other contenders jumped the gun and announced their ambitions back in the winter and spring doesn't mean that Fred has to. He is well liked, and in a good position and can probably wait till late summer with the kind of publicity he is getting. In his first U.S. Senate race against then-Congressman Jim Cooper back in 1994, Fred trailed deeply in the polls through much of the first half of 1994, then went on to win the race by a landslide. In this race, Fred isn't even trailing in the polls, so he can afford to wait.

You can tell the libs, his main GOP rivals, and the press are afraid of Fred. That is a good sign!


I'm Back....But For Only A Short Time.

I have returned from New Orleans. It was a good trip, but it is not an area I'd really like to live in. I am back for just a short time. On Sunday morning, I will leave early for a week-long trip to Short Mountain Bible Camp, as I mentioned earlier. There will be no computers that I can use there, so this will probably be my last few postings until Friday at the earliest.

There are several interesting stories and issues that came out recently, so I want to touch on them before I go. You can read them in the postings above this one.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I'll Be Away The Next Two Weeks.

If any big news happens over the next two weeks, and any readers are curious why I haven't posted my take on it, that is because I'll be away.

I will be traveling down to New Orleans shortly, and God willing, I'll be there until Thursday.

The following Sunday morning, I'll be leaving for Short Mountain Bible Camp in Woodbury, Tennessee, about an hour and a half southeast of Nashville, depending on which road you take. I will again have a responsibility as a youth counselor this year, and I am looking forward to it. SMBC is a place I deeply respect and support. If any readers have a place where they want to send their kids, or if any readers are camp age and are interested, I'd highly recommend it! The ages are 9-19, and the season ranges from early June until about August. If interested, let me know through the comments at the bottom of this post. I will be there this year until Friday evening.

I expect Fred Thompson to officially declare his intention to run for President over these next two weeks. I may have access to a computer over the next week, but I am not yet sure on that. I hope to post about a Fred announcement as soon as possible after his official announcement. Just keep your eyes here, and I will post again as soon as possible, or as soon as events warrant it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day And Happy 231st Birthday America!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and I want to wish the United States a happy 231st birthday! I didn't want to post this so late, but I was on the go all through the day. I know, though, that it is never too late to give patriotic wishes, though. I hope everyone took at least a little bit of time through the family, cookouts, fireworks, and baseball games to remember what this day actually represents. Although we need to daily remember the sacrifice for our country, appreciate the freedoms we enjoy, and be vigilant and ready to defend our freedoms (on the battlefield or in dispute with a lib) against all the threats we face, July 4th of every year allows us a set time that we can do these things. I hope you have enjoyed another July 4th and remember that we live in the best country God has given Man!