Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day And Happy 231st Birthday America!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and I want to wish the United States a happy 231st birthday! I didn't want to post this so late, but I was on the go all through the day. I know, though, that it is never too late to give patriotic wishes, though. I hope everyone took at least a little bit of time through the family, cookouts, fireworks, and baseball games to remember what this day actually represents. Although we need to daily remember the sacrifice for our country, appreciate the freedoms we enjoy, and be vigilant and ready to defend our freedoms (on the battlefield or in dispute with a lib) against all the threats we face, July 4th of every year allows us a set time that we can do these things. I hope you have enjoyed another July 4th and remember that we live in the best country God has given Man!

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