Tuesday, January 15, 2008



9:49 PM EST

The major media networks have just projected a huge win for Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in his home state of Michigan. With 22% of precincts in, Romney led Arizona Senator John McCain 39%-30%. In a distant second was former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee with 16%. Bringing up the back was Texas Congressman Ron Paul with 6%, Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson with 4%, Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani with 3%, UNCOMMITTED with 2%, and California Congressman Duncan Hunter with a meager fraction of a percent.

For the Democrats, New York Senator Hillary Clinton took a blowout win in a primary that was largely uncontested. With Michigan bumping their primary to an earlier date, the national Democratic Party withdrew some delegates in punishment. For political reasons, Illinois Senator Barack Obama and Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, along with candidates already withdrawn, all pulled away their campaigns in the Wolverine State in tandem with the DNC's decision. With 23% of precincts in, Clinton held 61% of the vote, "Mr. UNCOMMITED" took 34%, Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich had 4%, Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, who has already withdrawn, had 1%, and Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel didn't even register a single percent.

Things do not change much for the Democratic race, as it was uncontested. However, the win by Romney makes the GOP race even more fluid and uncertain. All the important early races up to now have been split, each going to a different candidate than the other. This momentum should give Romney the edge in the upcoming Nevada caucus on Saturday. Also on Saturday, the South Carolina primary is to be held. Should Thompson win that contest, which still seems a stretch, and Giuliani win Florida on January 29th (also a stretch), all the major early contests will be completely split. The campaigns will then move into the February 5th "Tsunami Tuesday" contests with five candidates still in a position to be the eventual nominee. Hang on folks, this is about to get very interesting!

Romney is the son of former three-term Michigan Governor and 1968 Republican Presidential candidate George Romney. That connection, plus the younger's experience in economic and business affairs, led him to tonight's victory.

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