Tuesday, November 3, 2009


VIRGINIA SWEEP! The GOP pulls a three-fer in the Commonwealth.

McDonnell, Bolling, Cuccinelli win in large, landslide victories.

10:15 PM ET
Republicans slammed the Democrats in The Old Dominion Tuesday as all three statewide races have gone to GOP candidates by wide margins.

Former state attorney general Bob McDonnell led the drive as voters swept him into the governor's mansion by a nearly 60-40 percent vote. He defeated the Democrat, state senator Creigh Deeds, who he only defeated by a 360 vote margin for the attorney general's office in 2005.

Lt. Governor Bill Bolling was re-elected by about a 57-43 percent margin. His re-election signals that voter frustration is not directed towards all incumbents, but that the anger wave currently sweeping the nation is focused on those incumbents pushing leftist views.

The new attorney general in the Commonwealth of Virginia is Republican state senator Ken Cuccinelli, who swamped Democratic state delegate Steve Shannon by about a 58-42 percent margin.

We are still awaiting results from the elections to the Virginia House of Delegates.

Stay tuned...

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