Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Tonight's elections are being followed by many for their potential message on what to expect next year and maybe in 2012. I predict that they will send a solid message that conservatives can expect to gain big next year.

Virginia - I predict that Bob McDonnell will win the governor's mansion by a wide margin - 15 t0 20 percent - and also that Bill Bolling will be re-elected to the Lt. Governor's post by a large margin of close to 15 points. This will send the message that this is not just an anti-incumbent feeling among Americans. It is only anti-incumbent when you sponsor leftist policies. Also look for Ken Cuccinelli to win the attorney general's post by a 15 point margin. Expect to see Republicans pick up 6-10 seats in the Virginia House of Delegates.

New Jersey - Republican Chris Christie should win by a margin between 1-3 percent. Also expect to see Republicans pick up 1-3 seats in the lower house of the state legislature.

New York - Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman will win the special election for Congress in the 23rd District with a final margin of about 5 percent.

California - In the special election for Congress in the 10th District, expect to see Democrat John Garamendi win, but only by single digits over the Republican, David Harmer. That would be a surprise to many, and should Harmer win, that would send a political earthquake rippling across the nation.

Political earthquakes would also be strongly felt in wins by Hoffman and Christie.

Stay tuned for updates through the night...

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