Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Leftist RINO Scozzafava withdrawals in special congressional race.

-Shows true colors when endorsing Democratic candidate soon after suspending race.
-RINO's departure a huge victory for the conservative movement.
-Events in the race signal that the GOP establishment still needs to recognize the massive influence conservatives hold in the nation's political structure.

In a stunning development Saturday, the special election for congress in New York's 23rd district took a major turn when the Republican nominee, state assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, announced the suspension of her bid for the seat. The leftist Republican-In-Name-Only recognized that her chances of winning the election had collapsed, and she shocked followers of the race by withdrawing.

The race has become a rallying point for traditional American conservatives and limited government supporters. Scozzafava is practically a Democrat in her positions. She supports abortions and homosexual rights. She has supported tax hikes in the New York state legislature during her ongoing term as an assemblywoman. She also supported the Obama administration's "stimulus" package earlier this year. She beat small businessman and CPA Doug Hoffman in the Republican caucus, and Hoffman soon afterward got the Conservative Party nomination to run. Attorney Bill Owens won the right to be the Democratic nominee for the seat.

The early support in the race went to Scozzafava in this traditionally Republican district. In fact, the race is to replace Republican John McHugh, who Obama chose to be Secretary of the U.S. Army. However, as the campaign went on, conservatives took special notice to this race and to the leftistism of the Republican nominee. Tea party activists started the wave behind Hoffman, and the very influential Club for Growth and big name conservative Republicans soon followed, especially former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, former Tennessee Senator and Presidential candidate Fred Thompson and former Alaska Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin. Hoffman went in the space of a month from practically a no-name candidate polling a somewhat distant third place to rocket into a close lead. This, along with the inability of Scozzafava to raise the necessary funds, led to her demise.

Early this week, Scozzafava displayed her true colors by endorsing the Democrat, Bill Owens. Even though she even claimed to be a loyal Republican even when dropping out, she decided to take the course of doing battle with the GOP with her endorsement of the candidate that more closely aligns with her politics.

For the GOP, this race should send a message. Washington establishment Republicans stood behind Scozzafava after she won the nomination, even after it became obvious that Scozzafava did not stand with the conservative principles that the GOP communicates and many in the base stand on. The GOP needs to learn that we need to have the party recruit, endorse and assist only true conservatives that articulate the message of the heartland and suburban Americans for the various public offices. Republicans need to support candidates in the mold of Reagan. If the GOP fails to understand this message, they can expect to stay in the minority in national power for decades to come.

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