Monday, October 22, 2007


I just want to say something to those in the press, or anywhere else for that manner, who say that Fred Thompson doesn't seem to knowledgeable on the issues, or that he is lazy, or that he seems like he doesn't care about the issues. JUST KEEP QUIET!

I have seen Fred during several speeches, and the two debates that he has been in so far, and he seems quite the opposite of all three of those! Especially during the Fox News debate in Orlando yesterday, Fred showed himself to care what he was speaking about, and showed knowledge on the issues. He topped it all off with a healthy dose of humor, as well. As far as the lazy charge, I think he smashed that one. To go through Vanderbilt Law School, hold an outside job, and take care of a family IS CERTAINLY NOT LAZY! Maybe some of his naysayers in the press can try it sometime. I know my schedule is busy, but I don't even know how busy Fred was at a young age because I am not yet taking care of a family.
At least he hasn't been prepping for this job for years like a lot of the more talked about candidates have been.

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