Thursday, November 30, 2006


I know I do not have my e-mail address posted on this blog. However, if you want to contact me, just leave a comment in the comment section of any posting. Tell me your name and your e-mail address, and I will do what I can to get back to you as soon as possible. I value any comments, whether you want me to keep in touch with you or not. I can see already that this blog is being visited by people all over the country, and perhaps the world. As I said in my first posting, I would like to make this an influential center of information. Now I know that this will never be a WorldNetDaily or an MSNBC, but blogs are not meant to be a traditional news center. I encourage all to, please, come back here often and tell all your friends and family about this blog and the websites posted in my "Links" section. From issues to election news to sports, you never know what you'll find here.


Wal-Mart Begins To Show Signs Of Their Problems In Their Numbers

Wal-Mart, long the world's largest retailer, is beginning to feel the effects of their policies in their bottom line. Dogged by accusations of employee mistreatment and for leading to the closings of countless thousands of small businesses across the country, now they have their actions of catering to homosexuals to add to the mess. WorldNetDaily is carrying a good story on the issue here. It looks like catering to homos has affected them even more than the other problems they have. While sales at retailers nationally have reportedly increased by over 6 percent, Wal-Mart's has actually dropped by 0.1%. Although the American Family Association dropped their boycott of Wal-Mart just before Thanksgiving, the publicity of it may have had a small hand in the sales decline. Also, a group called Operation Save Wal-Mart still has a boycott of the merchant in effect.

Those who are close to me know that I am not supportive of Wal-Mart. I don't believe that I ever was. I do not like all the small business closings, their urging of suppliers to move production to China if they can't get prices low enough, and their treatment of employees, as well as their pandering to homos now. Although they continually deny those things, the evidence against them continues to pile high against them. The ball is in their court. If they want to continue to be a driving force in the economy, they will manage in a Biblical, just way. If what they are doing continues, they will likely fall the way of F.W. Woolworth's, A&P and Sears eventually.

TENNESSEE TECH HOOPS UPDATE: Men Winning Against Noted Teams, Women Battling Tough Competition

I haven't updated news about the Tennessee Tech basketball teams since the beginning of the season, so now would be a good time - especially since conference play will begin this weekend. The Tech men are looking strong this season. On Wednesday, we beat Bradley 86-84 with a layup by Anthony Fisher with only 2.9 seconds left. Bradley is a team that received some votes in recent polls to be put into the top 25. That makes the school one of the 40 best in the country. Our Sports Information department at TTU had said to us yesterday that Bradley may be the best team to ever visit the Eblen Center, which is our home court. Even the San Luis Obispo Tribune newspaper in California posted a story on the game on their online edition.
Our men's team, also, topped UW-Milwaukee by a 78-68 margin this past Sunday. An article from the web site of Sports Illustrated can be read here.

Meanwhile, the women are going through a bit of a struggle in the early part of this season. However, this can be realistically understood, because they are facing serious national competition. After winning the first game of the season, we have lost four straight, all to powerful teams that can compete with virtually anyone in the country. The first loss came against Alabama, where we were even ahead 32-28 at halftime. However, a drought in the second half ended in a 71-56 loss. Our high point of that game is when our Marissa Hensley put a 3-pointer in to increase our lead to 29-17 with 6:18 left in the first half, but it went mostly downhill from there. Meagan Lyons and Deanna Apple were the top scorers in that game.

Next, our women headed to Malibu, California, where they participated in the Pepperdine Tournament. The first team there we faced was Pepperdine, who has size and long arms in their arsenal. We didn't really compete strongly from the get-go, and actually played better in the second half, and finished with a 91-62 loss this past Friday. Pepperdine is a Top 40 team in the country. On Saturday, we faced Virginia Tech, who has an even higher size advantage, as their tallest player is 6-6. The bright point in this game is that we shot 10-for-21 from 3-point range. VT dominated us pretty much everywhere else. Hensley and Kendall Cavin, with 19 and 13 points respecively, were the leading scorers. Most of the scoring went to the Hokies, who finished with a 87-52 win.

On Wednesday, the women faced an old rival, Middle Tennessee State. These games always create excitement for the communities around Cookeville, Tennessee (TECH) and Murfreesboro, Tennessee (MTSU), as well as those familiar with both teams. The MTSU squad have competed well this year against national powerhouses, falling by only 4 points to Top 25 ranked Maryland, and competed strong against Pat Summit's Tennessee Vols group. They came to the Eblen Center, or the "Hoop" as we at Tech like to call it, and they brought their A game. We trailed 32-23 at the half, and when all was said-and-done, the scoreboard showed a final of 68-50 in favor of the other team in our U.S. Congressional District. Cavin and Hensley were again the top scorers with 15 and 11 respectively between them.

Both our teams head to Clarksville, TN, where we face Ohio Valley Conference rival Austin Peay on Saturday. Looking at history, I will go ahead and say that both the men and the women should be the favorites going into their games. The men should go deep into the OVC tournament this year, as they usually do. The women were ranked just below #50 in CBS Sportsline's pre-season magazine, and I see no reason why they can't compete this year. Once OVC play comes around, watch for the Tech women to tear up the court. They should play deep into the OVC tournament as well, perhaps even winning the tournament outright and heading of to the NCAAs.

Let's close this post with an interesting fact. The Tennessee Tech's women's team is the seventh-best in the country when considering win-loss percentage since the team's beginning. We are just a few games behind Stephen F. Austin, who is #6 by that statistic.

Frist Out, Vilsack Officially In, & Gilmore Puts His Toe In The Water

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist Of Tennessee stunned a number of people yesterday when he announced that he would not seek the Republican nomination for the U.S. Presidency in 2008. "In the Bible, God tells us for everything there is a season, and for me, for now, this season of being an elected official has come to a close. I do not intend to run for president in 2008," Frist said. The biggest development to watch for, I believe, is where those Frist votes are going to go. I am certain that Frist had more votes than most internet straw polls have said.
Just look at the SRLC straw poll this past March. The question is, will those votes go to a more middle-of-the-road character, such as John McCain; or will they go conservative, more to a Tom Tancredo or Mike Huckabee sort of guy? Could they even go to the left, more to a Rudy Giuliani or a George Pataki figure? Something to watch as we get ready for '08.

On the Democratic side, outgoing Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack made his ambitions official in his small town of Mount Pleasant, Iowa today. In his speech, he said he hopes to make the U.S. a "beacon of hope" to all the world. I think he has an OK shot at the nomination of his party, but I don't give him a serious shot. At this time, I see three people as the real front-runners: former candidates John Edwards and Wes Clark, and Indiana Senator Evan Bayh.

Also, former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore has said this month that he is interested in possibly running for the Republican nomination in '08. He said he could run for U.S. Senate if John Warner retires or for Virginia Governor again in 2009. He is another potential candidate to watch who I understand is a strong conservative.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

From the Conservative Statesman to you, HAVE A BLESSED THANKSGIVING! May God continue to bless our United States of America. On this Thanksgiving day, don't forget to remember all that the Father in Heaven and his Son have blessed us with, both on an individual level and our country as a whole. Also, don't forget to be thankful, not just on Thanksgiving, but 365 days a year. Let us continue to fight for the future of this country, and we will continue to be blessed.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tancredo Is Sounding More Like A Candidate

Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo says that John McCain and Rudolph Giuliani would be "disastrous" if either were elected President in 2008, WorldNetDaily is reporting this morning.
Tancredo goes on to say "I will do everything I can -whether I'm a candidate for President or just as a member of Congress-I will do everything I can to make sure those two names are not the only options people have." He is sounding closer to making a run of his own, as he says it's a "distinct possibility." The congressman was in South Florida at a four-day event called "Restoration Weekend". One of the biggest factors for Tancredo is the amount of funds he can raise. For more, visit the link on this post.


Monday, November 20, 2006

New Links

I have added more websites to my "Links" section. I invite and urge you to take some time and look through the websites.

(This is a website devoted to stopping the planned North American Union. This is one of the most important issues of the day and if it succeeds, you can kiss our Constitutionally-protected freedoms goodbye. If a "NAU" comes to pass, say adios to the Dollar, more U.S. jobs, U.S. borders, as well as U.S. soverignity. Say hello to the "amero" and more cheap foreign imports and more illegal aliens, although they will no longer be illegal. You will, also, see more traffic congestion, especially with the new NAFTA super-highway, on which construction is scheduled to begin early in 2007. PLEASE LOOK AT THIS SITE, ADD IT TO YOUR FAVORITES, AND LOOK AT IT OFTEN!)

(A good site for political and election news, even when an election is still two years off.)

(The only reason worth watching CNN!)

-How Americans Can Buy American
(A great resource for learning how to keep our shopping dollars here at home.)

(There is room for sports on this blog as I said earlier, and I am a big fan of just about any team that plays in the "Cradle of American Liberty". The best site to keep up with all in the world of Philadelphia sports.)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Santorum: "My wife would throw me out of the house if I do anything in '08."

Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum told Michael Smerconish on his radio show that he will not be a contender for the White House in 2008, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. Santorum, who lost re-election to Democratic Pennsylvania Attorney General Bob Casey, Jr. last week, said on the air, "My wife would throw me out of the house if I do anything in '08." Santorum stated that his family is the reason he would not go for a Presidential bid in 2008. He spent the last week meeting with staff and considering job offers, some by media outlets, but he didn't go into detail.

This is likely not the end of Mr. Santorum's political career, though. He is not looking to run for the Presidency, but that doesn't mean that he won't be a Vice Presidential running-mate, or be chosen for a Presidential cabinet, or even run for an office again. What about Santorum 2012 or 2016?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

All Aboard For The 2008 Express!

We are just over a week removed from the 2006 Mid-Term Elections, but the 2008 White House campaign is already in full swing. Just today, Arizona Senator John McCain announced his intention to form an exploratory committee to run for the GOP Presidential nomination. Big suprise! Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson announced that he is considering throwing his hat in the ring as well. Thompson, the head of the Dept. of Health and Human Services during Bush's first term, is expected to create an exploratory committee sometime early next year. California Rep. Duncan Hunter was the first to form a committee, and former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani filed papers last week to form a committee. As of now, this is primarily the announced GOP field, other than a few non-office holders, such as John Cox of Illinois, who was probably the first GOP candidate to throw his hat in the ring. The field is expected to grow with Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, outgoing Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, outgoing Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, outgoing Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Kansas Senator Samuel Brownback leading the potential candidates yet to announce.

On the Democratic side, outgoing Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack is going to directly file papers for a run, and bypass the exploratory committee. Delaware Senator Joe Biden and Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd have virtually announced they are running, while former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel has already thrown his hat in. Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Former General Wesley Clark, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson lead this group of likely candidates. Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner and Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold were considered serious candidates, but both have said they are not running. Many eyes are on Illinois Senator Barack Obama, as well.

Now that John McCain is running, expect former California congressional candidate and Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist to run as a candidate for the Constitution Party. Michael Peroutka, the 2004 CP nominee, may run again, as well.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Appearently, I have learned a new word today, Pennsyltucky. This word refers to the area of Pennsylvania that is not Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. I have not heard the word before I looked at the SantorumBlog just within the hour, although it seems to be used often when referring to Pennsylvania politics. The word is just how it sounds, a combination of "Pennsylvania" and "Kentucky", and is a reference to the largely rural areas of the Central, Northern and Western areas of the state. A large portion of the Eastern part of the "Keystone State" is rural, as well. That is, once you're coming out of Philadelphia and the immeadiate suburbs. Even Chester and Bucks counties, which neighbor Philadelphia County, have large rural areas. You thought that Pennsylvania was all Philadelphia, didn't you? After learning this, I guess I can say I'm from Berks County, Pennsyltucky.

Santorum Down, But Probably Not Out

SantorumBlog, a great resource of information on outgoing Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, has a few posts on what may be in store for him in his political future. Among the possibilities most mentioned are that of running for U.S. President in 2008 or for Pennsylvania Governor in 2010. Also mentioned are of Vice President in 2008 and U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, Italy, or Ireland, or to fill a spot in a Presidential Cabinet or other administration posts.

It would be excellent to have a Tancredo-Santorum Presidential ticket in 2008. I don't know if any better could be done! It would be just as good if it were vise-versa, with Santorum heading the ticket and Tancredo his Vice Presidential running mate. I don't think that Santorum's political career is quite over yet, and I would be willing to support him in a future office bid, just as I have supported him ever since I became strongly interested and involved in politics.

I have visited SantorumBlog numerous times this year, and I have just recently posted it on my Links list on the right side of this page. Check it out!

Monday, November 13, 2006

BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Tech Men Swoop On Bluefield, Both Our Teams Victorius In Tonight's Openers

It looks like both birds are ready to soar this season! The Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles thrashed Bluefield College of Virginia by a final of 110-69 tonight. Fourteen of 15 players got to score in this one, and Tech led 50-32 at halftime. TTU will now head to Manhattan, Kansas, where the men will play Kansas State this Saturday night.

NEWS FLASH: Lady Eagles Find Their Prey In Lambuth

The Tennessee Tech Lady Golden Eagles started their new season on a high note, as they outlasted a tough Lambuth team and went on to win 92-75. Meagan Lyons and Cara Reed paced the team, as both had record high-scoring nights with 27 and 26 points each respectively. Kendall Cavin had 12 points herself and Marissa Hensley put in 11 points. The win gives first-year coach Amy Brown her first win. Former coach Bill Worrell retired this past season, and Brown, who has been an assistant coach here for several years, received the head coach job. The team looks like it is outlasting two key losses over the offseason. The loss of Coach Worrell, and the loss of standout Emily Christian, who was a senior last season. The Eagles (1-0) will go on to Tuscaloosa, Alabama where they will face Alabama on Friday, which will be a good test.

Martinez will be new GOP chair

MSNBC reports that Senator Mel Martinez of Florida will take over Ken Mehlman's position as GOP chairman. I have to say that I am not in favor of this. The national party clearly has numerous good candidates for this position. Men like Rick Santorum, J.D. Hayworth, and George Allen (Now that they are no longer busy). Although Pat Toomey is currently president of The Club For Growth, he could have even been offered an opportunity as GOP chair. These are only a handful of good potential candidates. I heard that outgoing Colorado Governor Bill Owens was a likely candidate. He would have certainly been a better choice, in my opinion.
Owens was ranked as a very successful governor who could get the job done. Now we will have to see what Martinez's response will be to get us conservatives back into leadership. I have heard him speak on C-SPAN during the illegal immigration debates earlier this year, and he sounds just about as soft as Bush on the issue. To read MSNBC's article go to

Tennessee Tech Basketball Season Set To Begin

Although this is more of a political & current events site, I still am able to throw some "odds and ends" into the mix. Here at TTU, our mens & womens basketball teams will head to the court for the first regular season games tonight. I am looking forward to this! We almost always field good, competitive teams every season, and this year looks no different. I went to the womens exhibition game this past Thursday, and they look ready. They beat Tusculum by a final of 79-62 here at the Eblen Center. The mens team looks ready from what I hear, as well. Tonight, the men face Bluefield College, while the women will duke it out against Lambuth University. Keep up with all the TTU Golden Eagles action at, or go to my links section and click "Tennessee Tech Sports".

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Duncan Hunter may not be as conservative as I thought!

I would like to thank "stephen" for bringing some information about Rep. Hunter to my attention. If you look down at the "comments" section under "Looking at 2008-Republicans",
Stephen says that Hunter has a "HUGE spending problem" and that he is a career politician. It looks like I have to look into Mr. Hunter some more. I urge readers to look at that comment.

Stephen also mentioned the Club for Growth. This brings up another statesman that I hope runs for elected office again, former Pennsylvania Congressman and current Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. I hear rumors that he may run for the U.S. Senate again or for Governor of Pennsylvania. I hope so! America needs leaders like him. It is a shame that he did not beat Arlen Specter in the Republican U.S. Senate primaries in 2004.

Thanks again Stephen for weighing in on this blog!

Rosie Does It Again!

This woman, or is she something else? Well, never mind. She just keeps putting her foot in her mouth. At this site,, WorldNetDaily reports that Rosie O' Donnell says, "Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers." This coming from the same mouth that told us, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state." I would like her to let us know what "radical" is to her. The Bible says in I Corinthians 6:9 that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God (the word homosexual appears in the New King James Version). Is that idea "radical" to her. Also, I would like to see if she would pick up a U.S. Constitution and show us where the words "separation of church of state" appear. I haven't seen them yet.

A word of warning to all daytime TV watchers. BEWARE OF THE ROSIE!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Looking at 2008-Republicans

I have put together a list of potential and announced contenders for the White House in 2008, and the level of their conservatism or liberalism. Now keep in mind that I have rated them according to my research on them. A potential candidate's ranking may not be 100% accurate, as people sometimes error in their ways in a way that would make them seem liberal or conservative when they really are not. A one is most liberal while a five is most conservative.
An * marks a candidate who has declared he is in the running. In parentheses, I mention an issue or two that I have questions on them about. Today's list is on the Republicans.

Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas - 3 - (Illegal Immigration)
John Cox of Illinois* - 4 - None I know of at this time
Outgoing Sen. Bill Frist of Tenn. - 3 - (Illegal Immigration, Abortion)
Rep. Duncan Hunter of Calif.* - 4- (None I know of at this
Former Rep. Newt Gingrich of Ga. - 4
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of NYC - 1 - (Pro-Abortion, Pro-
Homosexuality, former
Outgoing Gov. Mike Huckabee of Ark. - 3 - (Tax hikes in Arkansas,
Illegal Immigration)
Sen. John McCain of Arizona - 1 - (Soft on Abortion, Favors Gun
Control, Illegal Immigration)
Outgoing Gov. George Pataki of NY - 1 -(Moral Issues)
Outgoing Gov. Mitt Romney of Mass. - 2 - (Supports Universal Health Care,
appearently Pro-Abortion early
in term as Governor)
Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado - 4 - (None that I know of at this time)
Former Gov. Tommy Thompson of Wis. - (Don't know much about him)

Personally, I am supporting Mr. Tom Tancredo in 2008. I have been working for about a year to get grassroots interest in him. A source tells me that he is running, but I am still not completely sure, since he has said that he will run for Senator Allard's seat in Colorado in 2008 if Mr. Allard retires. He is one of my favorite men in Washington today, and they are hard to find.
You will probably see quite a bit of news and postings on Tancredo on this blog. For more information on Tancredo, visit, which is an excellent source on Tancredo news and links. If you live in Tennessee and you want to help Mr. Tancredo get to the White House, visit and help us get him elected to the Presidency. If you live in another state, I encourage you to start a Tancredo for President committee in your state. If we all work together, we can ensure a Tancredo victory in 2008!

Watch in the near future for a listing on the Democrats and the Constitution Party. I could do one on Libertarians and the Greens, but I am not as familiar with the potential candidates for those parties.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mid-Term Elections Recap

For us conservatives, we lost quite a bit on Tuesday. For me personally, there were three losses in particular that still disappoint me: Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth, and the ballot measure to ban most abortions in South Dakota. Another potential loss to be considered in Virginia Sentator George Allen, but I still am not too sure about him because I have heard that he supported abortion before his service as a U.S. Senator. I do respect him more after his concession speech, however. Especially after the Christian references he put in there. I hold out hope that Mr. Santorum and Mr. Hayworth will soon again run for public office. Even better, hopefully they could be members of a future Presidential Cabinet.

In Tennessee, things were a bit better. Bob Corker is our new Senator-elect. Although I still have a few questions about him, I trust that he will represent our state well. If he doesn't, I have made a bad mistake volunteering for him. I originally supported and voted for former Congressman Ed Bryant in his second failed run for the Senate. The first time around, he fell to current U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander in the 2002 Republican primaries in Tennessee. Bryant is another statesman that I hope makes another run for public office, although he stated in his concession speech this August that he is done with elected service.

Looking into the next two years, I am not excited about where we are headed. In the House, which was the chamber we needed most in Congress, liberal Nancy Pelosi will likely be Speaker. This is a woman who marched with abortionists and homosexuals. The new House Majority Leader will likely be Steny Hoyer of Maryland, another liberal. In the Senate, a liberal trio will lead the majority party: Harry Reid of Nevada will be Majority Leader, Dick Durbin of Illinois will be his whip, and Chuck Schumer of New York will be third in power. The Democrats would be wise to bring the moderates in their party to leadership positions. That would be more likely to keep them in power for a longer period of time.

Many will say that Americans voted for change on Tuesday. That is true to some extent. I have heard that 40%-50% of registered voters voted this election cycle. Let us remember that less than half of our voting age population are registered voters. That means that less than 25% of potential voters voted. It would be interesting to see what the other 75%+ thinks of the new direction we are now going in.

We are set up for an interesting two years!


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